Hi Guys, another newbie here...
Basically I am a 21 year-old student who has just blown a portion of his savings on a new desktop to replace a laptop killed by hours of modelling.
I tried to create a system that would give me as much power, and longevity without buying a dedicated 3d workstation (because I couldn't justify it for all work, no play). I know I could have possibly got better for my money, and I'm still not sure about the whole Geforce vs Radeon for modelling saga (reasons for not going Tesla/Quadro/Firepro mentioned earlier) but I would just like some honest advice.
Overview of system:
i7-3770k oc'd to 4.5ghz
8gb 2133mhz Ram
120gb ssd
3gb evga Geforce 660ti
With this new machine mudbox can still be slow and temperamental, specifically when posing. So what future upgrades would be first priority?
Using evga step-up to upgrade to a gtx680?
Upgrade Ram to 16gb or higher?
or is mudbox just a pain?
Sorry for the long winded approach, I appreciate any help!