Im doing my best to learn maya at work and Ive hit some walls. I really didnt want to do this but I would like to use this thread to ask my questions rather than litter polycount with random issues.
First thing to note is that I have been reading a lot of the other threads on here asking for maya help etc so Im not being lazy about this I just want to be specific.
my major issues:
1. scaling or moving multiple objects: how do you do this in maya? I use the scale or move by "manip" pivot and that helps but then the objects get there axis pivots all messed up. I heard you can group and ungroup but that would slow my workflow down as Im often working with a lot of objects in a scene.
2. selecting objects to edit: I have a lot of objects so when I try to edit the faces on one particular object I ctrl-rmb over the object I want and choose face mode from the marker menu but I almost always select an object that is in front or behind the object by mistake. Then when Im finally editing the object I want I go to select some faces and maya often changes object to one of the other objects in front or behind! Cant I tell maya to lock my editing to the currently selected object?? I dont want to hide or lock my other objects Im not editing I just want them to automatically lock when I start editing verts/faces/edges so that I cant select them by mistake.
3. Im puzzeled by the outliner, what can I do with it? why doesnt it dock? can I make stuff template or reference like the layers window?
2. No unfortunatly I don't think this is possible, and I agree that it's quite annoying at times, but you get used to it... I play with my "isolate selection" shortcut alot to avoid problematic situations.
as for issue numnber 2 well thats quite frustrating to say the least, I thought maybe the outliner would help me organise my objects but the outliner is not very useful to me, is there any way to combine the layers window with the outliner so that I can show and hide layers and make stuff reference and still read and select all the names of the objects nested in those layers?
for the rotate/scale multiple objects, The only way ive forund and the only way people who like maya have told me is the group/ungroup option, its slow! i hate it too.
Also in maya you get alot of extra scene guff so check the outliner after doing stuff like this because you might have some extra nodes all over the place.
Hope this helps!
Ctrl-g (create group from selected objects) p (parent objects to last selected object/group) and shift-p (ungroup selected objects) are all your friends to keep an organised scene.
For your scaling and moving, yeah it will always be doing it from the pivot point, except if you're scaling/moving components, this isn't different from other 3d apps as far as I can tell... Holding d (toggle pivot movement) combined with the snap hold-toggles v, c, x (vertex, curve/edge, grid) and middle click (transform your selection without having to have the mouse over the manipulator) are all very important to move pivots and stuff around on the fly (you can also move your component selection pivot on the fly like this, like Max's work pivot, but much faster and interactive).
Hey lloyd, Im from a 3dsmax and Cinema4d background, Im just trying to find the fastest workflow in maya. I dont want to be wasting time going in and out of settings/menus if I can so any common worflows/hotkeys/shortcuts to do the stuff Ive listed is what Im looking for.
Hey Bal can you explain how grouping objects helps to speed up workflow do you use them like layers to be turned on and off all the time? I cant seem to see or even select the group in my 3d scene it only shows as a group in outliner is that correct? do you mean make parent or wouldnt it make more sense to make it a child of the group?
In both cinema 4D and 3DS max when you select multiple objects they scale by the manipulator and keep thier size and distance relative to each other the same at all times regardless of where their individual pivots are or their pivots rotation. Ive never had any issue with scaling multiple objects before maya to be honest. Is there a quick way to make the pivot move to the exact center of your current object and zero out rotation? that way I could do that first before I scale my objects. Thanks for the hotkeys I only use D for pivots so far.
that doesnt seem to work, everytime I planar map something it fits to the 0,1 uvs and it gives me wierd projection width and height values when I just want 1:1 scale
1. Select all your objects you want to move or scale.
2. Hold D and then hold X, C or V to snap the pivot of all objects to the same place. I usually move the pivot to the origin of of the scene (0,0,0 XYZ) by holding X (which is snapping to grid), but you can do whatever you prefer. With the pivots in the same place you can move all your objects around like you want, even snapping works which is what I usually use this method for. Your objects kinda work like a group now, without actually being a group. When you want to move objects individually again you can just select all your objects and then center their pivot at the same time.
Hope that's what you meant.
And I know what you mean with the second question, unfortunately I don't know if there's a fix. As long as you right click on the model you want to edit you should be fine.
this works for all attributes too.
in the future im thinking of releasing some interactive tools i made, which bevel is one of them.
Group are extremely handy because you can transform multiple objects at once using a new pivot (the group's pivot) while each individual object retains it's on object space pivot. Hierarchies are your friends.
I'm not quite understanding your component selection issue with multiple objects, but if you select an object, and then simply right-click in any empty space, you can bring up the hotbox for component selection. You don't have to click on the object itself. Also, there are keyboard shortcuts to directly enter the different component selection modes:
F8 toggles between component and object mode
F9 enters vertex mode
F10 for edges
F11 for faces
I have found a solution to some of my problems with extrude and bevel, this set of tool enhancements
is amazing! its like the standard way I would expect maya to behave and makes my workflow much faster as long as it doesnt crash.
the interactive extrude script alone does so much:
for interactive Extrude, the following mouseclick/drag commands are: (These instructions are available in maya when you activate the tool)
LMB: Drag the extrusion along the normal (localTranslateZ).
MMB: Offsets the extrusion
Shift+LMB: Creates new extrusion on the same face and drags along normal
Shift+MMB: Creates new extrusion on the same face and offsets the extrusion
Ctrl+MMB: Allows you to pick a new face to extrude
Ctrl+LMB: Allows you to translate the face in all axis. (like the move tool).
DUPextract is awesome and simple and I love it! this is what the extract faces tool should do in maya.
if you would like once i get home i could release that for you, and also list a few other scripts that have helped me greatly along the way.
thinking i might quickly document my stuff and release on the weekend in it's current state.
So todays issue is isolating objects. Once they are isolated there seems to be no way to un-isolate them? Really bizarre, Ive looked for hotkeys and searched online but found nothing I just want to go back to normal mode after im done with my isolated object
You can toggle isolation on and off with the button and also, if you press "View Selected" under "isolate select".
Also the keyboard shortcut for isolation is i think Shift + L
Hope this helps
aha! thanks, you see i was using shift+i which is the shortcut hotkey to isolate selection but Ive still found no shortcut hotkey to unisolate selection. I guess the button on the viewport will have to do for now, would be better if I could just hit shift+i again to reveal all.
Actually it surprises me that the isolation hotkey doesn't toggle natively.
I googled a bit and found this:
Maybe this does the trick.
Like this.
go under display>hide and display>show to get those.
yeah I did find those bardler I just thought they werent much use because i couldnt find a show all function that just unhides the stuff you have hidden and not everything else(cameras and all that nonsense). So thats why I went in search of isolate instead.
ah thats much better thanks!
you should now be able to bind this to shift i. Only thing that I can see being a bother is that theres no way to know if you're in isolation mode. Might make a headsup display that says isolation mode if you like. Right now the only display is the camera name at the bottom of the viewport
I plan on takeing a look at my scripts again this weekend and polish things up a little than release.
but everything seems to work pretty well atm
simply install by dragging the contents of the zip into your maya scripts directory.
than running these commands from the python tab of the maya script editor.
after that it will replace the maya bevel, chamfer and extrude marking menu entries.
if you want to add the commands to the shelf, or run them directly, you can use these 3 commands.
most tools got differnt attributes for both lmb drag and mmb drag, and the extrude tool lets you use shift+lmb or shift+mmb to create new extrudes without existing the tool.
all of the tools support the repeatLast(g key) command to repeat what you last did in the tool, or if the tool is dropped, to just repeat the bevel, chamfer or extrude operation.
and each drag counts as 1 undo step, so you can undo while the tool is active, to go back to a older value, or in the case of extrude go back a few extrudes if you used shift or g to create multiples.
have fun, and feedback would be great.
i also included my file since these tools depend on it, and there are a few smaller but useful commands of my in there too if people want to look, which if you ran the pbt.install() command for hte main tool, will be available with the pbh.* namespace.
sounds good but im a bit scared of overwriting mayas extrude bevel and chamfer in the marking menus, can this be restored later if necessary?
than it will go back to using the default maya versions of those menus.
also im not touching it in the main menus, or the hotbox.
Ive got a new issue today. The smooth mesh preview ( "3" key on the keyboard) looks good but when I go to the mesh drop down and apply a smooth it looks really bad and has lots of pinching along the middle seam where my object is mirrored. what is going on? I just want the smooth mesh preview to become the actual mesh so that i can do a few booleans on it.
persnally i hate the way it handles smooth preview, and prefer how other apps handle it, most allow you to export the mesh with smooth preview, and it exports the subdivided, and smoothed version, but maya dosnt everything needs to be applied before export, or bakes.
yeah its confusing the way its so unconventional. Anyway i found a solution to my problem - i can subdivide my mesh by going modify>convert>smooth mesh preview to polygons. This way my mesh looks exactly like the smooth preview whereas all the other smoothing options were a bit different to the smooth preview in thier result.
i tend to just open the outliner docked to the side of the viewport, and makes lots and lots of groups.
in hte outliner you can also drag things from group to group with mmb drag.
but yes what you want might be possible, but it would require, a lot of work, and would prolly require some extra qt libraries, to be able to script more adavanced UI stuff like that.
so your wanting to see what material in the hypershade editor is applied to the currently selected object?
well open the attribute editor, select the object, than in the tabs at the top select the materials tab and click select at the bottom, and it will select the material it's self, and highlight it in hypershade.
You can also do the opposite, in the Hypershade, right-click-drack to the right on a material (Select objects with material) and that will select all objects and/or faces that have that material applied.
yeah I know what you mean, I just think maya should move forward and get some cleaner more concise ui, maybe I can make a suggestion to the devs somehow?