I understand in general they give you a art test once they received your application, and then you get an interview if they like your test. But my question is how long does each step usually take, like how long does it take for them to respond to your initial application(or letting you know it's rejected at all)? Any current or ex employee would like to share their experiences. Thanks.
I don't think that there is any harm asking them.
Most places don't respond at all if unsuccessful.
Ok that was confusing but the thing is you keep working and keep on looking. It makes the "hey remember me email" that much more easier to write when you have something new to show them.
"Hey guys, just checking up on things, oh and CHECK OUT THIS AMAZING ART!!! (guitar riff) that I cranked out while I was crazy bored waiting for your offer to come through.That's right I did this in 30min, stop me now before I do it again!"
Ok be a bit more classy but you get the idea, go work on stuff, it helps.
If it all goes right you might have two places making offers. Then you put the offers in a cage and watch them fight to the death.
If it all goes wrong, the extra art you did, helps you move on and hopefully helped you improve your portfolio.
If they are interested, expect a reply quite quickly, with a test etc.
If you complete the test and submit it, then I would definitely expect a reply back, but perhaps not for up to a month. If youve heard nothing after a month, email.
It changes from studio to studio I imagine, but Ive always found Gamelofts HR people are pretty good
Otherwise they'll send you an art test in about a week (in my case it was a few days after me sending my link/resume).
When they send you the art test it usually says in the email that it could take up to a month for them to review.
Hope that helps.
i don´t think this is good advice at all.
most likely they wont respond if you don´t appeal to them, and if you keep anoying them you may end up in their spam folder, denying the success of any future attemps.
just wait 2 weeks, if you don´t hear anything until then, ask ONCE what the status of your application is.
no matter how nice HR people seem to be, they are relentless concerning applicants that don´t appeal to them.
Honestly I didn't mind all that much since, a day later, I found out the representative was from India or something, and I was still attending school in the Netherlands. Otherwise I would have sent a follow-up email a few weeks later.
When you apply for the game loft, usually first they will send you an email telling you that their are currently reviewing your qualifications (like any other process of job application.) You receive a call from them for further questions regarding your qualifications (that is considered the first interview,) then they give you a test relevant to the position you applied for. Then they either send you an email notifying you that they will not be proceeding with your application, or they will call you in for the second interview, and I think there are two more.
So in short, brace yourself for 1 phone interview, 1 test, and three live interviews, should they decide to hire you.
I had an atypically fast response to my art test (3 days), a phone interview with the recruiter a few days later, a phone interview with the art manager the next week, got flown across the continent for an in-person interview after 2 weeks of waiting (they had to talk to HQ), and then was presented with an offer the next week.
And, now, I've been there over a year, in Montreal.
That was for the Aukland studio, which is probably a bit smaller and being New Zealanders, maybe a bit more relaxed about things than those uptight Canadians. Or something.
It really dumbs down to how you sell yourself to them. If your phone interview went amazing and your art test was epic, they may not even bother proceeding any further inquiries and hire you right on spot.
It was a game programmer's position but from what I was told, this was their hiring process for any position. Interviews are fine if its man to man. If its you vs 2 board of directors and a recruiter, then you are fucked side ways.
This could be a case of miscommunication, but I've run into a few other recruiters handing out Gameloft art tests like candy, so who knows...
According to my experience, like 90% will answer on the second email. You might get a negative answer like "sorry, not a good match", but better than no answer at all. If people want you to stop emailing them, they'll say so. There's nothing wrong in asking your application status. Asking politely is WAY different than stalking and annoying people with no work to back it up.
If you're afraid of being annoying, you might just end up being too passive and losing a job opportunity to someone who's more proactive.
understatement my friend
if you have the skills it takes, the one time you ask is simply to remind them of your application in case it got lost in the masses when you send it.
they know you want to work for them when you send the application. after that its only having the required skills, or not having them.
and by skills we are talking soft- and hard skills.
thats atleast my oppinion on applications.
So I'd say nothing bad in following-up if you have confidence in your skills. Don't be afraid to be pushy.
On the other hand if you know it's was a long shot, then it would probably be more productive for you to move on right away and do more art.
Technically, selling yourself to the Employer.
It is best to leave it for them to get back to you, if you have an email confirmation or the address which they used to send you the art test you can respond to that again to check up on them.
I would strongly suggest you to wait until they analyze your art test and get back to you on it. In the mean time, you should apply to other places as well and do possible art tests. I hear Arena.net have uploaded the art test and is still hiring. Perhaps you should look in to that.
I was just at least like some sort of response, even a mass "you failed" template email would be alright by me. At least I'd know then.
But best of luck to you 3dSoul.
I'd also encourage you to get in touch with the recruiter, and apply directly though him/her. Applying through an online system will just put you in an electronic bank with hundreds of other applicants.
Anyway, don't get discourage. Make some new art and apply again! Good luck