Hi Polycount!
I've been busy creating this G18. It's my first 'real' model in Maya, so that was a nice practice

Final purpose is to create a nice lowpoly model of it, and have it working in the game Line of Fire (
Crits and stuff is welcome!

Besides the obvious ones, there is a bit more floating geo for detais, also the magazine is kinda finished, but not in the shown images below
Had a try with both dDo and nDo, which turn out to be awesome
Ofc, still open for crits and feedback
Thanks, it's not my first model though, it was my first one in Maya. For baking I switched back to 3ds Max however, it felt nicer and cleaner there (can be my bad).
Oh sorry bout that, confused me with your initial post, didnt see the portfolio link. Nonetheless, nice job. As for the Maya Vs. Max, I do all of my modeling in Maya and feel it really just comes down to the person. There are very few tools (most of which are not that crucial), that are not in either program. One can achieve the exact same results in either program, so each to their own
I agree with the 33rd mag though, would be an awesome "cool" touch to the piece. Extended mags are just badass.
Also, extended mags are being served! They don't look like airsoft mags to me anymore
I did just notice one more detail you missed. The magazine release on the left side of the gun sits in a hole that goes all the way through the handle and has a cap on the other side. If I'm not mistaken, this is so if you happen to be left handed, you can flip which side the magazine release is on. You can see the cap on the handle here, just behind the trigger.