Can we please get a NSFW tag for certain work? I hate scrolling to polycount at work and my whole screen just fills up with tits. I'm not judging the art, the artists are doing brilliant work but I still would like to see polycount as a safe site to browse through at work.
It's best if you just tell all your bosses you're a pervert already and get it over with.
If you'd go to the louvre you wouldn't pull a blanket over venus de milo or cover davids junk. You'd appreciate the art and respect the artist. I'd say show it all and enjoy the hell out of it. If it isn't for work.... then save the topic for at home.
source: Information about Polycount & New member introductions
I work at HER interactive, we make Nancy Drew video games, the tamest games on the planet next to puzzle games, lots of women here. No one here has a problem with seeing boobs especially digital boobs in an artistic context.
Now porn on the other hand, will get you fired or at least written up. Well I take that back zooming in on a pair of digital boobs and trying to motorboat your monitor could get you written up also... but I think that has more to do with being an idiot.
Olivia Munn topless in Magic Mike?
Hmmm, seems I found this thread by accident...
Then you have only yourself to blame.
I stick to General Discussion at work for this very reason.
To ask artists to put all their work in tags is unfair; just stay out of P&P at work.
In General Chat, yes, people should respect the fact that some people work in non-boob friendly environments and not post explicit stuff but its unfair to restrict artists on an artists forum in a sub-section specifically designated for art.
wait...the thread is against......
also [x] vote for more boobs
Oh yea! this is going to be good then I realized someone was complaining about the boobs and now I have a sad face, this thread is miss leading. love that youtube flexing video, the magic is amazing she has talent for sure as I never saw anything like It.
and I wouldn't have it any other way:poly124:
may be this is a better idea:
if your work is too sensitive to human anatomy then it is best to avoid most art sites.
Temple of Apollo Tumblr
g'night :poly127:
First of all, if you see the words 'chatacter', dump or anything else where people throw certain kinds of artwork or all kinds of works, then you will see nudie pictures as well, no two ways about it. So I suggest; why don't you take the initiative and avoid those threads?
Second, the mods already stated in the Intro. thread that there will be always NSFW work, that is the nature of the industry, putting any kind of censorship on this basic 'function' of an art forum is just insane, not to mention, inane.
Third, I have yet to go ANY topic in PC which had tits everywhere on the screen, most of the 'large tits everywhere' images are scaled down to fit on a post size, so there is that as well, maybe you should look into updating your browser that forces full-size images all the time to something that downscales things.
Infact, I can safely say that I have seen more tits in this thread right now, then I did in all of Hazardous posts with his skimpy characters, and that is telling something.
On an unrelated note, what's with the sudden influx of people and prudish comments about the female anatomy and sexism on PC?
Large tit(mouse).
I feel like a old fart.. had to Google Olivia Munn...
*Invincibility music playing while Mario thrusts*
"Is good! Is good!" XO
We have a winner!!!
As it stands, we have no way of adding a proper tagging system to our site. We're pretty well locked in to what we have until we update the site from the ground up (thanks to Valve's generous offer in the Dota 2 contest, this will happen).
When it comes to the redesign, will look in to ways of marking threads for NWS content just in case, but you should try and keep in mind that we're an art forum and as such images depicting 'boobs', dicks, or a combination of those two thing attached to vehicles or each other in some form are bound to pop up from time to time. Its just the nature of this community. That doesn't mean we'll tolerate dickgina-copters appearing in every thread (Whomever is thinking they should do this now that I've said it, don't even think about it!), but we typically do not moderate threads for human anatomy so long as its not presented in an overly pornographic manner.