say you've been contracted to work on-site somewhere for x-months. you're paid a daily rate, and you get your hours signed off and paid on a weekly basis.
but then you're offered a full time position in another studio, and they want you to start tomorrow, even though you've told them that you're under contract at another place. they basically tell you "start tomorrow or we'll find someone else".
what would you do? do you pass up a full time gig in order to maintain your integrity? could you approach your current client and explain the situation to them? could you even ask them along the lines of "i've been offered a permanent job, is there any possibility that this contract could become full time so i can stay here?", or would you just say "hey, sorry i've got something better, bye!"
just curious to see where people sit.
How people treat you in the interview, and the interest they show is a big part of what the studio or workplace offers. If they don't treat you with some respect and understanding, then you are off better somewhere else.
I will say that Contract is good as long as you keep making your resume grow and you network... i prefer full time.. but i have done both at some point.
Also, as far as integrity goes, you probably don't want a reputation of dropping jobs as soon as something better is offered. It's one thing to be given an opportunity and giving a reasonable notice. It's another to quit on the drop of a hat.
If it's Naughty Dog or Valve calling (maybe 343 too if they still keep their kickass lineup of artists when you get there
And they offer relocation assistance
Plus a signing bonus...
If it's just a meh studio, I'll need more convincing than a cheap pressure tactic.
You certainly could, if given the option between having you on permanently or losing you, they might consider it. Depends on your value/relationship to/with the company.
No, I would explain the situation and politely request to end the contract prematurely. I wouldn't run off in the night, that's some serious bridge-burning stuff there.
Most decent studios/people will understand the appeal of full time employment, and if its not something they can match they will likely be willing to work something out. So, just talk to them. You might be surprised how reasonable people can be.
Just be careful how you approach it. Don't go into it demanding things. Just explain the situation. You want to avoid pissing off your current employer, having them demand you finish the current contract and then not giving you any further work, while you lose out on the other gig. That's worst case, but really don't be an ass about it and it should be fine.
Contract gigs in California usually mean, "at will", so you can drop the job on a moments notice no sweat. Or your employer can drop you. It's a little different once your full time, so the utmost goal in my opinion would be getting to full time somewhere.
A jump from contract to full time often means more $$ and benefits too. Do want? I sure did!
hope this helps. It may not mean shit since this is all my California knowledge, haha.
I was in this situation recently ....I had a boatload of contract stuff...was offered a full-time position..I went for the fulltime gig....I talked to the people I was contracting with..and we worked everything out..I ended up giving them free stuff because I felt bad about having to ditch for full-time position..I dont regret that..they got some free stuff and I got out of my obligation to all ended up biting me in the ass..the project I was working on was pretty much washed out before I got there..and then I got floated to a project that didn't need me..and then got tasked to do non-game bullshit they had me crunching on ( plus I drug my family half way across the country for it)..and then they laid me off with zero severance..with a 12 month lease to pay out ...the only redeeming thing was I got to work with some pretty swell folks...but anyway... tread lightly..
It was already stated, but I want to strengthen the point that no studio worth your time would do that to you. If I would ever be told that I would laugh at them and hang up the phone.
It would be very disrespectful to be "asked" that.
You deserve more than that.
^ I'd look up the persons name, the companies name, to see if their has been any previous statements of abuse from previous workers anywhere. Or just ask on PolyCount about said person/studio ect.
Best of luck I can see how this is a tough decision for anyone in this current time, abuse FT, no abuse no FT.. decisions decisions.
But echo what Haiasi says as well as everyone else about not letting these tards treat you like that, they need you that's why they came to you. They will find some poor soul though who doesn't have self respect, then it is their problem.
Usually, I'd say dance with the girl what brought you. Unless the other girl asking is super hot and has promised to pay for dinner and put out. "Start tomorrow or we'll find someone else" doesn't sound like a promise to pay for dinner or put out.
That's why when you get to their place, you threaten to beat them unless they give you what you want. :thumbup: