So, I'm a student AIP, and for my final, I'm making my first character. I have to texture it, rig it, and even animate it. So ANY feedback you guys have is welcome and needed! Thank you kindly for your time. (Sorry for the weird way you have to view the images, I'm new and I'm kinda confused on everything. x.x I looked around the FAQ, but I think I may of just missed the picture part. But anyway, this is the base mesh, may make a few changes, but then I'll begin working one clothing.
Tl;dr: Please critique my first character?

The neck is also too thick from the side view.
I would work on studying anatomy and the muscles underlying the skin. It's important to know which muscles overlap and under lap each other.
+1 for what Dan said. With organic models it's important to GRADUALLY build up form. And then build up form on top of that form. You want the form to be defined as well. You don't want it to look like a blob.
Hope this helps! Keep on keeping on. Your first character already looks better than mine did.