Hi everyone!
I've been working on my first UDK environment, and I wanted to share my progress with you all. I'm reasonably happy with it at the moment, but I still feel it could do with quite a bit of improvement. On that note, crits and feedback very welcome!
Based on the very cool BRAWL Tournament contest Polycount held a while back, I've attempted to create a 'Next-Gen' reimagining of the 'Kirby's Dreamland' stage from the original Super Smash Brothers.
Edit: Forgot to mention, our assignment brief stated the scene had to be 'realistic'. But as others have said below, it seems too much has been lost in translation from the toony Kirby to this more realistic style. I'll see what I can do to fix that!

The polycount in UDK is
108,387 and the total space for each texture pass is....a little under 4096.
I also uploaded a quick video of the scene with some basic animation of foliage and clouds. Unfortunately it's rather choppy, I'm not sure why. I'm probably not using the correct capturing method. But I thought I'd link to it for now anyway: [ame="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVRFiwCopXA"]Foliage wind - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks guys!
Just bumping this because I updated some of my images. Please let me know your thoughts, I'm looking for critiques and such
Also, for reference, here's a shot of the N64 stage it was redesigned from:
Thanks again!
I love the grass but the vines and the tree look too brown. The Kirby games have always been bright and colorful. Stick a rainbow in the back while you are at it.
The background is too much of a cloudy gray. I would try removing the clouds on the bottom and putting in the ground in the distance or something to give an idea of just how high you are. See if you can bring a stronger sky blue past the clouds too.
I like how the roots come out the bottom of the dirt chunks, but why are there roots on the middle block? I see no tree or stump like on the right and left ones.
Just my thoughts. I have done very little in UDK so I have no idea difficult some of this would be. I would like to see what others think. Critique is not my strong point.
It looks really nice on the whole, I think the dirt could do with a little more contrast and detailing though, maybe with some grass hanging over the edge to make it more defined. The roots look a little odd too, perhaps something more like the image below. Maybe add a little more interest in the background too, the bottom 2 thirds is just white and it'd be nice to see separate clouds receding into the background
Yeah, I see what you all mean about the theme. Our assignment was to be 'realistic' but I think I ended up taking that too far, and lost the Kirby-ish atmosphere, d'oh. I'll take all that on board and see what I can do. A rainbow would be a good start!
In terms of the details, yeah now that you mention it, the roots do look a bit odd in the centre island. I originally thought about the roots stretching further than one island, but that would assume they were all once connected...good point!
Thanks for the comments so far, I'll try and improve my details and colours based on what you've all said.
And haha, be as honest as you like, it's the only way I'll learn