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Chevy Camaro Model WIP

Hello polycount,

Iv been working on this Chevy Camaro for a while now and am struggling on getting certain parts of the body looking right, iv highlighted the problem areas and looking for some feedback/advice.

Apologies if my issues are a bit vague, completely new to this whole posting work online and asking for crits :poly121:

1. Front Bumper is very bumpy, have been tweaking the verts for a while now but still no joy.

2. Bit baffled where to connect these edges, should I make them into tris?

3. Wobbly Rim proper doing my nut in, been making the polys planar, then manually tweaking and no joy :(

4. After smoothing weird pinching happening, assume i need to add some supporting edge loops in, but again baffled were to position them.

Look forward to hearing peoples advice.



[IMG]http://www.polycount.com/forum/<a href="<a href=http://s598.beta.photobucket.com/user/Van182/media/camaro1.jpg.html&quot; target=_blank>http://s598.beta.photobucket.com/user/Van182/media/camaro1.jpg.html"</a&gt; target="_blank"><img src="<a href=http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt68/Van182/camaro1.jpg&quot; target=_blank>http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt68/Van182/camaro1.jpg"</a&gt; border="0" alt="Photobucket"/></a>[/IMG]
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