ok, simple test number 2: have you tried resetting the viewflags? Its the little down/arrow next to the P (forPerspective) in the viewport. There's a show>resetdefaults in there.
-do you see this when you playfromhere as well?
-Did you edit the midday material instance at all?
-Is the DominantDirectionalLight disabled or turned to a crazy rotation? (default properties are ~(roll=-140,pitch=44, yaw=38) or so.
No it turns out non of those suggestions changed anything, as far as the material editor goes, i dont think that i have, when i start a new level it works fine.
so i know i said i would post a second pic, but unless u guys think it would help im pretty sure my problem is illustrated fine with what i have up as it is. sorry if you were waiting on that.
Probably not at this point. My only other thought was maybe there was nothing wrong with the sky at all and you'd just deleted the fog actor or something.
lol might be it, but im not sure that would effect the color of the sky, ill try it, also i appriciate you trying to help me all day, just wish i could figure this out for my class tommorow.
Anyways Thanks!
-do you see this when you playfromhere as well?
-Did you edit the midday material instance at all?
-Is the DominantDirectionalLight disabled or turned to a crazy rotation? (default properties are ~(roll=-140,pitch=44, yaw=38) or so.
. i dont think i changed anything in world properties.
Anyways Thanks!