Hey guys,
Long long ago when I began my first foray into 3D modeling, I began with 3DS Max. After less than a year, I switched to Maya and that's what I've used ever since. I like to consider myself a Maya expert and feel like I know all of the ins and outs of that program. However, being a game development major, I realized it would be more advantageous of me if I became just as skilled with 3DS Max. That adventure begins today. So, do any of you guys have any tips/tools for a prospective student of 3DS Max transferring from Maya? Any heads up on similar tools and similar features would be EXTREMELY helpful. Thanks!
TL;DR: I know almost everything about Maya but almost nothing about 3DS Max, any tips? Thanks!
ie. you select a number of verts/edges and click connect to join them with an edge
it also cleans up after itself and will actively prevent you from generating shitty geometry
oh, and the UV tools aren't shit
And you'll miss some of the axis constraints features when not using lock selected, so i would not do that. I really would adopt to the package's native behaviors
It's been 6 years since I've used Maya so I've forgotten most of it, the biggest difference I recall is the modifier stack in Max, it's pretty powerful. As far as maximizing the viewport, I rarely use the 4 quadrant view in max, I'm always working in perspective mode and if I need a certain view I use the shortcuts: F(front), T(top) and L(left). I also tear off the command panel, make it double wide and sit it on my secondary monitor but that's just a personal preference.
Max has a modifier stack opossed to the dependency graph in Maya. Much more easier to keep the history you want.
Generally Max is better at handling more dense meshes.
On the negative side:
Maya is more open with MEL and animation seems to be well regarded over Max.
UV Editor is built in as a modifier.
I beg to differ. Uv tools in Maya is shitty in terms of stuff like resizing your uvs into 1:1 scale but other tools are very powerful if you dig deeper into mayas tools as a lot of them a very hidden. being able to middle mouse drag a uv shell/island is very handy, whereas you cannot in max... etc. best of all is the interactive unfold. One awesome thing for maya uv editor is that its a global tool. whereas Max you have to add a UVW modifier, which could potentially slow down your workflow. Only recently in max 2012 did they make the big jump with the new uv tools like rescale element/ and peel.
I would say since you come from maya, you would want to customize your quad menu to be like your maya setup.I don have max open rite now. but I believe is you right click on the a empty space on the panel on the right side and Customize>Quad menu > drag and rearrange how you want the most used tools into the menu.