Hello peeps, i have finally decided to go forward and recreate a character from my favourite game of all time.
Capt.Snow from Timesplitters 2, featured in the Siberian Dam level.
Its really hard to gather any kind of good reference material regarding most Timesplitters characters as the game is over 10years old now. My main Ref seems to low res screens ie.

Heres my progress so far:

Im starting out with a LowPoly mesh, then i will pumping it into Zbrush. There are still thing like ammo belts and an Headset that need to be modelled. My lowPoly topology isnt great but im hoping it will suffice while i sculpt. Any crits on the form or topolgy and possible workflow ideas would be great!
Im hoping to get this ready before Xmas
I ve tried to match the proportions and the character of the the original characters, big hands, forearms and legs. Theres 6 subtools also. Personally i dont think it looks all that bad imo, i need to improve parts though. thats why i am here.