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polycounter lvl 14
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Saman polycounter lvl 14
Hello, everyone!

I finally finished my knight. This is Gr


  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Really nice, work, cool character! It looks like a lot of love has gone into this.

    A few crits, I find it difficult to focus on one area of the character (no focal point). I think this is because there is so much going on with the character detail wise, as well as specular highlights catching your attention. I think you could concentrate the focus on the top half of the torso going up to her head. For a start you could reduce the sat, value, and spec of the hair, to apply more focus to the face. Also if you consider a gradient distribution of the characters value, so its darker at the bottom, and progresses lighter towards the top (DOTA art guide has some good stuff on this). She's also looks really tall, but that compliments a heroic look, which I assume you were going for.

    But that’s just nit-picking on an otherwise awesome piece, well done!
  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    This Looks Great! O.O" !

    This Women must be very strong.
    She uses a sword which is as large as she ^^
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    I like it. I agree with the above comments. Also it feels like the straps and plates are floating, I would definitely bake some AO with cavity into the diffuse and copy that to the spec maps. Right now the spec is evenly distributed throughout the character which is pushing my attention all over the place. Tone it down in areas that would collect dirt and would be generally be in shadow.
  • kcla
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    kcla polycounter lvl 7
    This has great composition and detail work, saman. The gauntlet plating is probably my favorite part. The layers work really well.
    I agree with Neilberard and SCB, the face does seem a little brightly colored and overall more ambient occlusion would add some more depth.
    I checked out your tutorial and I was wondering, is your hair hand-painted? I've tried a variety of techniques for hair before, just wondering what your process is.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks a lot, guys. I really appreciate your feedback and I think they've made a lot of difference... At least imo ;)
    I added some more shadows, cavity maps and what not to add some depth. I also decreased the spec highlights on many parts so that they wouldn't distract too much from the face. I tried making the face a bit darker but it just didn't look that good. She's a ginger so her face should naturally be bright and since it's the focal point I didn't want to make it any darker. I did however add some more AO and shadows to the face to add some depth.
    Here is an update;
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    i´d recommend using a different rendering tool. this looks a lot like it was rendered directly out of 3ds max with the default lighting.
    the material is realy hard to read, and there are a lot of very dark spots on her.

    also you seem to be using a orange-red tinted light and a blueish rimlight wich is good in theory, but doesnt realy turn out that well.
    the whole model looks kinda pink, wich is especialy weird on the metal.

    i´d say you try to put her into the UDK or cryengine, and try getting a good render out of there.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    hey man, i'd second what Goeddy says... the final render could use some work. it's definitely a great piece though, it would already look good in your folio, so maybe switching to a different renderer could take it to that next level?

    quick question though: how did you go about the hair? did you place everything by hand? or do you have a plugin/script to help you?
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the feedback, guys. You've convinced me, I'm doing the shots in marmoset toolbag instead.

    As for the hair: I first modeled a "helmet" and then separated it into planes. I then duplicated the planes I had and worked from there. I'm not sure if this is a very effective method but make sure you use something other than xoliul's shader when making the hair. The opacity works so much better with standard shaders and you won't have to bother with transparency sorting.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i live with the transparrency sorting (and fix the model appropriately) because you kinda have to when you want something to go in game. so i don't see why you shouldn't have to for portfolio pieces either.
  • lithvall
    Great character, I like it a lot better now with the gradient (darker to lighter), I'll try to achieve the same effect on my knight. This post made me realize mine looks kind of flat.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks, Lithvall!

    I took the model into marmoset, re-calibrated the textures, improved the lighting and changed the pose slightly. I've updated the images in my first post. Hope you like this version better!
  • Johan3043
    This looks amazing! :o Myself are working on my ever first character right now and would you please let me add you to steam or skype for feedback and when i have questions etc? If so please PM me your steam or skype! :)

    Again, truly amazing work! Myself are going for a 3rd playthrough of Dragon Age and this character would fit right in! :)
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    new lighting is killer man. really great stuff
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    haha i got confused by the earlier crits at first now that you've updated the images

    really like the new presentation, man :)
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    she can slay me any day of the week

    great work dude
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    looks great dude, nice job. the metal looks great, it looks much better quality than a lot of the stuff i see in marmoset, makes me realise I need to experiment with it more because clearly you can get great looking materials with it.

    PS: just for the sake of curiousity, what did the previous lighting look like??
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Cool, thanks a lot for the comments!
    @Johan3043: Thanks, man. Just search for Goraaz on steam.
    @Lroy: Thanks! I think I'll stick to marmoset for now for the current-gen stuff.
    @Funky: Well, I got a lot of good feedback from you :)
    @Ferg: Haha! Thanks but careful what you wish for ;)
    @mr_ace: Cheers Here and here are a couple of shots from the previous version.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    haha thats really cool dude ^_^
    and aws to see how much you did of it in zb, turned out sexily ;)
  • Yuke
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    Yuke polycounter lvl 5
    I think you could definitely knock this out of the park with some better lighting etc.. but as a piece by itself this is one of my favourite characters ever. Absolutely love it!
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    awe man I feel so late to the party haha AMAZING bro.
    That hair is bowse.
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    holy pimp, that just blasted my head in the morning. Final result look awesome !
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    I really like this! The materials and textures on the armour are great with a nice contrast between teh cloth and metal parts and some cool detailing without being too overly busy.

    As a quick crit - I feel the face is slightly letting the piece down though. The sculpt of the face looks great but the texture is quite simple and cartoony in comparison to the rest of the textures. I would definitely try and experiment with using photos as a base for your next face - it doesn't have to be 100% photo slapped on, but using them as a base would really help give you a nice realistic base to work from IMO.
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Man this came out amazing!!!! Metal and hair are looking fantastic. Well done.
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    A female warrior with a real amor. Didn't believed that i can see this at least :) Really good!
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Oh, wow. So many cool comments. :)
    @Nizza: Thanks, man!
    @Yuke: Thanks! I really appreciate that. :)
    @Dylan: Cheers, broski ;)
    @Dustinbrown: Thanks! I faked the anisotropic highlights of the hair through the specmap. There is no realy anisotropic lighting going on here like on the Khanda model, this is all a hack. ;)
    @Scythe: Thanks!
    @Fat_Cap: I actually started doing that but people seem to dislike it when it gets too photo'ey(My technomage was photo-only at one point and he looked like a guy masquerading a technomage). Perhaps something in-between would be good, I agree that the facial textures could have been improved upon. I'm pretty sick of this piece right now though to be honest so I'll test that on my next characters. Thanks for the kind words, I love your work. :)
    @disanski: Thanks a lot, man.
    @SimonT: Thanks but it's still a fictional fantasy armor. I don't think the high-heels and tight armor would be efficient in a real battle ;)
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Very nice work!

    - BoBo
  • fightpunch
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    fightpunch polycounter lvl 10
    Beautifully done!
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Very nice work man :)!
  • pjtorres
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    pjtorres polycounter lvl 9
    awesome.... love this character...
  • ablaine
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    ablaine polycounter lvl 14
    Looks fantastic! Stunning work. :D
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    @Bobo, fightpunch, chrisradsby, pjtorres and ablaine: Thanks a lot, guys! I'm really glad you like it :)

    @Fat_Cap: I changed my mind, I decided to work some more on the face's skin. It looked a bit flat before so I decided to add some subtle color variation as well as better spec. I'm more happy with the skin now so thanks for pointing that out.
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