Hey guys
Trying my hand at a more cartoony version of batman.More like a cross between pixar and comic books
I started this some time ago but never had time to finish
Need to make a proper cape also
I'm also gonna use him for animating a lipsync of myself once i buy my blue yetti mic and have some fun hehe
all of this is practice because i wanna start making 2d iphone games with sprites from 3dsmax renders
thats my goal at least heeh

Clean start so far.
The current style you have now is similar to 'the incredibles' which is good but the anatomy makes me think its a construction worker in a batman outfit.
If this is the plan then you need to focus on emphasizing anatomy.
Example, I'd also make the shoulders, biceps and torso much bigger.
Not that there's anything wrong with what you currently have, but if you scale down an image of your current batman to an iphone size its difficult to distinguish the character. So, main tip is to emphasize muscles(bigger) and joints(smaller). However, it all depends on what art style you're going for in the end.
Hope this helped!
thanks for those tips for the iphone your right,i'm not used to thinking like that i usually do models for high rez or next gen
at first the art direction was to make a very funny lookin batman with big head and not to shreded, but then i cahnged it up a little lol
I'll beef up his anatomy for fun see if it wil look better..hell..no concept= anything goes hehe
thanks again
BY THE WAY --- if anyone knows which engine would be the best to have 2d sprites
i was thinking of torque2d but i dont know to much about 2d engines
Regarding 2d engines, I personally wouldn't recommend torque2d - I found it to be laggy on the iPhone. To be fair, that was an older version, so maybe it's been improved...
If you're comfortable programming in Obj-C, I'd go with Cocos2d . It's not editor- or script-based like Torque, but it's lightweight and very powerful once you get a handle on it. It's more of a library/api than an engine, I guess. There are a lot of tutorials and books out there, the forum is very helpful and all kinds of popular titles have used it. It also adds cross-platform compatibility, at least as far as being able to port your games to the Mac relatively easily.
I've heard some pretty good things about Unity as well, but it seems like overkill to use a 3d engine for 2d sprite-based games...
programming is not my forte so i will be on the look out for a programmer when im done with this project
yah unity is nice but might as well use cryengine heeh
ill have a look at that cocos 2d
i think i have a bit of researching to do hehe