Hi there!
After posting in the WAYWO thread I decided to share my progress on modelling various 3D assets, hopefully all these will be used in a future FPS project (but that is another story).
I'm no pro, but been a Polycount reader for more than a year which though me a lot of things and helped me out thus encouraged me to actually start up my own project. So as you might guessed: feel free to comment and address anything you might think of regarding me or my work.
So for starters let me share a rare occasion: two models at once! The reason behind this is that the knife model was already been "fully" done but I decided to redo and fix some things (which is obviously not done yet).
The models are:
- M1911 Pistol
- M1910 Trench Knife

This is only the first stage for the Pistol - which needs some bug fixing before I can even think of unwrapping it - but I already love those two weapons!
The next thing will be to get to a point where these two are ready for some sculpting action...
ps.: getting the pistol up to this point was a big pain in the rear
so yeah, after some bugfixing I've started to move on with the modeling and created the HP version of the suppressor. So far this is what it looks like (Mudbox screen cap):
Good call. But yeah I've realized it when I was modelling it, but still it looks cool XD
How ever I've been busy since and even tho I can not show anything interesting I wanted to at least some off one of my sneak-a-peek UDK test:
I hope from a week or so I'll be able to show some real eye-candy stuff (fingers crossed)
thought I'd drop a quick update on my progress! This time the focus was on the silhouette. How ever the back part of the gun needs some improvements so I'll be working on those later.
So yeah. This is what I was working on (it's the hammer part of the gun).
by the way, I'm proud to mention that this image was approved by Borat himself! Nice
ps.: normal+bump offset, rendered in UDK