Hey All,
Ive been working on a ultra high res scanning method to capture skin displacement details of faces, body parts, animals etc for projection painting using programs like Mudbox, Mari and ZBrush. I wanted to share the results, since its a little whacky and I havent seen anyone else doing this publicly.
The results are extremely high resolution, and pores, wrinkles, and skin blemishes are reproduced accurately. These sorts of details are perfect for applying in a mix and match fashion to existing models where extreme photorealism is needed.
Currently the face scans are ranging up to an equivalent of 16,000 x 16,000 pixels.

To expand a bit more on the process, I use silicone to take an imprint of the persons skin. I then lay it flat and scan it using a proprietary scanning technique.
Here are some toe scans using the same technique:

Im also able to take animal imprints. Recently I scanned two alligator legs, with the cut seam along a single edge to preserve the surface as a single surface unwrapped flat. Its a bit like a physical UV unwrap, which makes it ideal for projecting onto 3d surfaces.

Im selling these scans on the main Surface Mimic site, along with the other color scans and tiling stamps/alphas.
Male Head 40sMale Head 30sFemale Head 30sMale Hand 30sMale Foot 30s
Hope you all find this interesting, let me know if you have any questions.
you are putting a lot of hard work into this and the results look great so far.
Some of the more interesting and hard to procure patterns are things like animal horns. I've had some luck with Etsy and Ebay in sourcing odd stuff with cool surfaces:
Case in point: Goat Horns
But for the best stuff (animal wise) I'll have to hit up some taxidermists for some frozen specimens.