This is something that has been on my mind for a long time everybody seams to agree that the proper way to describe a texture like this is a
"tileable texture":
by jessica dinh
and the kind that gets combined together for batching/optimization are referred to as
"atlas textures" by romy
but what about the standard kind of texture like the one below
i often refer to them as:
"unique unwrap textures","none overlapping shell textures","normalized zero to one uv space textures","wasteful none reusable textures" or "none tileable texture" by drew +++ and ddo
but i never hear anyone else refer to this texturing style like that most people just say "texture" which clearly all of the above 3 examples are so i am not letting that count !
so what do people at your studio call these textures ? is there maybe a common consensus after all ? if not i really feel that we as polycount have the "AUTHORITY" to coin a term ^^
The tileable texture or texture atlas is not as much a word in itself as it is adding an attribute to a texture imo, where the default type of texture would be a uniquely unwrapped one most of the time
tileable texture
and texture atlas
I vote for this to become the universal name across all the lands.
Have you been looking at my naming convention on my home workstation?
I'm more concerned as to how he found out the name of the secret projects going on over here and why he names his files the same.
ulrik and tingeling textures.
Not to mention something like CharacterDiffuse_006_b_final_002.psd
tiling and custom
I think the question in the OP itself has been pretty much covered, most people just call it a 'texture' or 'uniquely unwrapped texture' if they need to get specific, from what I've seen. This thread is worth it for the laughs, though.
Combined = Mutiple textures combined by script for memory
Unique = Maps that only can be used for one specific mesh (or family of that mesh)
Trimstrip = Usually Modular use. You unwrap the modular pieces to a set UV layout of that tileset. Usually trimstips and tiling that required mesh division
Atlas = Auto unwrap done by Max/Maya, for quick test bakes or quick lightmaps.
1: Tileables
2: Texture sheet
3: 1 to 1 texture or Unique texture
2: Texture atlas
3: Full unwrap