Hey guys,
So I've been working on a scene over the Semester for one of my University modules. The task was to redesign a stage from an existing fighting game and I chose Stage 1 from Street Fighter Alpha 2, "Ryu's Stage".
*All meshes and textures/materials that make up the scene have been made by myself.
Original Stage
Hi-Res, In-Game Screenshots

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgfsgC662NE"]Ryu's Stage UDK - YouTube[/ame] (Watch in HD)
The camera angle view from which the video was captured would be the view of the players in-game.
Is there anything I could be doing to improve the look of the final scene? Looking forward to reading some critique!

Also is this for Staffordshire advanced? As I used to go graduated this year, my works on my portfolio if you want to have a gander
Thank you!