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dDo help

polycounter lvl 9
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JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
I know we have a dDo discussion, but it seems to broadly cover tuts, work showcases, and a couple guys who are passionately arguing over whether this software is going to help or hinder the industry. So I'm making my own topic here and eagerly await any help I can get.


When I create material details, none of my details seem to have any effect on the maps. However when I examine the alpha preview, it shows that the material information is there and should be visible on the map, right? I don't pretend to be a pro at any of this, so it very well could be user error, but how can I fix this?


  • teddybergsman
    Hi BringMeASunkist!

    Could it be that you have imported a base diffuse map? This lies on top of the created material group by default, essentially obscuring any specific material details added. I've been thinking about implementing an option for placing the imported diffuse information below the material group, discarding the solid base reflectance of each material group and only keeping the material specific details -- this would make it easy to add extra material definition to already existing diffuse/specular/gloss maps. Let me know if I'm way off, this might just be a nasty bug!

    - Teddy
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Hey thanks for the help Teddy! I opened up the psd and just disabled my imported diffuse, gloss, and spec maps; now everything seems to be working just fine! I was treating dDo as a program to add extra detail to maps, like you just mentioned. If that's an option you want to implement, I know of at least one person who would be interested in it. But thanks for the help, nonetheless. Now that I understand this better, I look forward to playing around with it more.

    Also I think it's worth mentioning that back in May I purchased nDo2 from you and ran into some problems. You worked with me on getting it taken care of and I can say, with no brown-nosing, that it was undoubtedly the best customer service I've ever received. To me, those sorts of interactions go a long way towards brand loyalty. So keep doing what you're doing, bud! And I'll be sticking with your company.
  • teddybergsman
    Hey again BringMeASunkist,

    Thanks so much for the kind words, I'm just really happy to help in any way I can. I wanted to let you know the requested feature is now a part of dDo, so grab your copy HERE and try it out!

    By hooking up pre-existing diffuse, specular or gloss maps when setting up a project, these will replace any base reflectance dDo would normally create. You'll still be able to utilize dDo's material definition capabilities, such as adding material specific details to all individual material groups, to further define the different areas of your imported pre-made maps.
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