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Maya 2011: Animation glitch “Ghost Animation”, is this useful?

I have stumbled on this interesting phenomenon and while I think it is very interesting, I am unsure how useful it is.

It started when I was animating some mechanical objects without rigging to see how they look in motion (was just lazy), I combined two objects after I animated them and to my surprise the animation remained even though there were no key frames in the time line!
The reaction of a friend of mine to this was: “What sorcery is this?”

The interesting part is that the animation translated, rotated and even scaled with the objects without any problems (your objects don’t return to their original position when you play the animation and maintain orientation and scale).

Upon further investigation, it turns out that the object’s animation is being carried over to the new object (the result of the combination) from its history; deleting the history removes the animation (sometimes).
Further more, the animation key frames can be viewed and edited through accessing the original object vie the Hypergraph: Hierarchy.
Even if you delete the objects, the animation is still stored in the history nods and can be copied to any new object (which in turn can be ghostfied by combining/ separating and then moved to any new location, scale or orientation).

Is it useful? Has anyone seen this before?
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