Hey all,
By accident i stumbled onto Kevin Johnstones'
old skinning tutorials...
I'm hoping someone still has these stowed away on their HDD?
Also i seem to recall Kenneth scott doing a tutorial way back for Quake 3 - Does anyone know if it still exists online?
Before I overhauled the wiki, it was mostly a bunch of dead links. Like here:
Newer links are here, most of these should work. And they cover a lot of the same material as the older tutes.
Some of the old Skindom ones are down here, in the Tutorials section.
might need to poke around a bit to get the images to load, but man this site is some of that old school.
Fuck yeah! It was a sad day when it vanished unexpectedly.
Sweet find!
Thanks Eric, forgot to check the wiki (doh!)
Yea i know there might be easier ways to go about it now, would just be interesting to see if there was tidbits that could be extracted from 'em
Either way, thanks alot for all the help guys!
I have a bunch of these squirreled away too, if I find the time I'll try uploading them to the wiki.
Sure do, PDF files here:
Psyk0 - That saved my day
If classic hand-painted diffuse textures is what you're after, maybe we should write some new tutorials! :poly142:
That would be EPIC!
It's sad to see though that most of these are lost to the great internet cemetery