Hey there guys.
So, I'm feeling like I'm not sure what to do with this. Should I just close this up and move on to a new scene? I've been working on this on and off for over a year, and just recently discovered the power of CE3, which boosted me to get this nearer to completion.
I feel like I could still add a lot more, like a proper Asian style entry gate / way, some more unique rocks, custom foliage like bonsai plants, and etc. What would you guys say to someone that's been working on something like this for way too long but wants to keep going? I know it can be better.
There are still some problems too that I need help fixing, such as the silver lines you see along the tiling outer walls. It disappears when closer, but fades in when far away. I am sure it has something to do with view distance or LOD, but can't figure it out!
Also planning on making a video to showcase finer details that are missed in pictures, like falling leaves, wind, sound, etc.
Anyways, here's what I got...
*Pics updated 12/3/12*

Any comments and critiques are very appreciated.
also the bloom on the water, walls and those chrome tiles makes it realy hard to look at the screens.
if the objects aren´t finished i´d recommend you make them atleast not full white, so we can actualy take a closer look at things.
this looks like it has a lot of potential and the bridge is looking realy cool, but for the sake of getting crits, i would realy recommend you to make the screens more watchable.
Thank you!! HUUUGE difference now
show images then!!
I surely will, however I'd like to figure out why my tiling wall is having that weird artifact when I'm not near it. A silver line appears when I get too far away (You can see it in the pics). Ive been trying to correct that issue for quite a while now and I figure it has something to do with LOD distance values or whatnot, but I'm not sure where one would change such values for a static mesh in CryEngine3...
Or possibly a lightmap issue
So, changed all the water, added clouds, adjusted material properties (like the tiling wall), made new environment cube maps for all reflective surfaces. Let me know what ya think now that it is critique-able, folks.
Lemme know what you fellows think...
Watch in HD!
i think most of the stone surfaces don´t realy read as stone with their bright diffuse.
if you would change them to match the stones of the bridge, the scene would possibly look way more consistant and realistic.
the water, grass and general vegetation look very nice aswell, just a bit oversaturated, but that could be some post effect aswell.