I'm going to try describe this best I can.
This is want I want to do but don't know how.
Have the yellow pivots locked in place, but still can rotate.
Have the blue pivot move freely as a secondary animation.(Like a connected limb)
Have the main "mandible" move like you imagine it would.
While also being able to rotate the entire thing.
How would I go about this. I've tried Ik's but I keep getting deformation. If you don;t know by now I'm kinda new to this.

The secondary animation you are talking about is often the part that actually makes sure that the hand opens and closes, and do it evenly, like instead of open like < it opens evenly in both ends like = , if you get my meaning.
Here is a example:
Would love to show you an example with bones, but on my way to work (yay, overtime), but if you haven't solved it before I get home again, I might give it a go.
I have tried using HI solvers but I get stretching on my geometry when I move the point.
I put this together just to test out the idea of it.
The mechanism keeps the claw straight, while moving them forwards and together.
It's like those comical boxing gloves that extend with that diamond shape structure.
But as soon as I move it, it goes crazy. Bit like me atm XD