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ZBrush - Displcament Map information on model?

polycounter lvl 12
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Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
Hey to all,

I was wondering if there is a way to use my Displacement map from saaay other places like Max or Maya, inside ZB, on a whole mesh, to create the detail?

Example: I have a monster/human character made in Max, unwrapped an all. I would like to use the Displacement map from it, on my monster in ZB, to generate most of the detail back.



  • Autarkis
    Offline / Send Message
    Autarkis polycounter lvl 8
    Ace, you can apply a displacement map on your zbrush model by loading up that displacement map as an alpha texture, flip your alpha on V, and then in your tool palette, scroll down to displacement map and load up that map into it, and click on Apply DispMap. You're going to have to play around with the intensity setting ( I never know offhand of a good value for it)
  • Ace-Angel
    Offline / Send Message
    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Ah, good to know they simplified the process :D

  • aaron2
    I'm only gonna rough this in:
    1. Build up a very (!!) basic mesh in 3ds and export it to zbrush as an .obj
    2. After loading up your model in zbrush go to Tool-Geometry-Divide and add some more polys
    3. Start sculpting and further dividing as you wish until you're satisfied
    4. Now switch back to Subdivision level 1 (Hit Ctrl-D)
    5. Tool-Texture-GUV-Tiles
    6. Go to Menu Texture and create a new one (4096px)
    7. Finally go to Tool-Texture-Normalmap and hit "create normalmap"
    8. To export both mesh and texture to work with 3ds you gotta flip the map vertically. To do so go to Menu-Texture-FlipV. Then hit export and save it as .bmp or whatever
    9. Last but not least Menu-Tool-Export save as .obj

    Thats for the creation of a normalmap/displacementmap

    Fire up 3DS and import your mesh. Go to your material-editor and apply a normalmap as bumpmap choosing your previously created texture. Check on "Local XYZ" to be selected. Apply your material to the model and render.
    Should work fine.
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