Hey to all,
I was wondering if there is a way to use my Displacement map from saaay other places like Max or Maya, inside ZB, on a whole mesh, to create the detail?
Example: I have a monster/human character made in Max, unwrapped an all. I would like to use the Displacement map from it, on my monster in ZB, to generate most of the detail back.
1. Build up a very (!!) basic mesh in 3ds and export it to zbrush as an .obj
2. After loading up your model in zbrush go to Tool-Geometry-Divide and add some more polys
3. Start sculpting and further dividing as you wish until you're satisfied
4. Now switch back to Subdivision level 1 (Hit Ctrl-D)
5. Tool-Texture-GUV-Tiles
6. Go to Menu Texture and create a new one (4096px)
7. Finally go to Tool-Texture-Normalmap and hit "create normalmap"
8. To export both mesh and texture to work with 3ds you gotta flip the map vertically. To do so go to Menu-Texture-FlipV. Then hit export and save it as .bmp or whatever
9. Last but not least Menu-Tool-Export save as .obj
Thats for the creation of a normalmap/displacementmap
Fire up 3DS and import your mesh. Go to your material-editor and apply a normalmap as bumpmap choosing your previously created texture. Check on "Local XYZ" to be selected. Apply your material to the model and render.
Should work fine.