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female desertpocalypse character

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Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
I'm creating a sort of neo-western character. She would be living in a rough environment, but able to hold her own. Obviously, some parts of the sculpt are more worked up than others, and I still have to model a few elements, but I am curious to hear people's thoughts so far.



  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Depends on how realistic you want her to fit the Lore, I suppose.
    If you're going after the 'fantasy female armor', then the more revealing, the better.

    On the other hand, people in desert definitely not gonna show skin under the strong and burning sun. They will use cape, cloak, hood, and bunch of cloth to protect their skin, keep their body temperature low, and keep moist from vaporizing. Not to mention apocalypse usually mean the world is not a safe place anymore. Maybe air and water get polluted. Food become poisoned. Broken and sharp objects scattered and even small cut or bruised could be deadly. All in all, those that show skin die very fast.

    Again, your choice :)
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    Hmm, I think I am not too worried about the Lore. Just something I came up with to try and describe the character. In retrospect, I would love to change the title of the thread to something less specific, like "female hero character", but can't seem to edit thread titles. But I appreciate the input.

    I did a little more work. These are renders out of Zbrush, so there is no spec map or anything. Also, the hair is just a placeholder at the moment since that will depend on alpha transparency.

    Critiques, suggestions would be nice.

  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    Well I've spent some time away traveling for Christmas and I'll be heading back tomorrow. I would love to have a little input on this before I get back to work on it. Are there proportional or anatomical problems? Are there details missing that should be there? How is the color scheme? This is my first model with clothing so I could use some direction there as well.
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    not knowledgeable on anatomy but:

    Her face looks quite manly - while I'm not saying you need to make her a photoshop supermodel I do think you need to make some changes for it to match a female face shape more. Again not an expert but try adding more cheekbones.. you'll probably want to look at a ton of reference images and stuff.

    Although it's probably too late, you could consider a version of her with short hair? Seems more practical in a post apoc land. As a guy with kinda long hair, it's definitely not as practical as having short hair.

    Spurs from the concept are gone too? Maybe even put the steel toe caps as a seperate subtool just extracted from the shoe mesh.
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the response!

    I've been working on that problem with the face through this whole project. The original base model's face was modeled after Cate Blanchett who has rather masculine features. I have been trying to feminize the face since the beginning of the project but I guess it is still too masculine. I do want her to have strong features rather than delicate ones, though. I'll try adding to the cheekbones a bit more. There seems to be something a little off with the area between her lips and nose as well.

    I've been going back and forth on the spurs. I think they look kinda cool but I wonder about their practicality.

    As for the hair, like I said it is just a placeholder for now, so probably the easiest thing to change. As a girl with long hair I totally understand the difficulties of trying to do anything active with it. I might try to find a way to tie her hair back. I did some experimentation but couldn't get anything I liked. Maybe if her face was more feminine she would look better with shorter hair. On the other hand, I really like the look of long hair in general.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Face looks manly, especially around the Jaw/Cheek area. Try to pout it more, and give it less angular features.

    Her arms look wobbly, too much silhouette change in parts of the upper arm, or increase the size and add more muscle mass detail.

    Her lower body isn't working too well with her upper body. It looks like she has thick thighs, thick calf's, thick bottom, yet her breasts, and upper 'fat mass' seem to contradict this.

    Her corset isn't showing off her cleavage too well, it kinda makes it look flat, especially with the black and earthly colors both clashing and diluting the detail.

    Bra's tend to be very symmetrical in their 'stress' marks when to comes to breast weight, especially for a black non-sporting bra, try and get the same detail on the right bra (her left) also on her left (her right).

    No need to shorten the hair, you can keep it the same length if you wish and make it practical by adding a pony-tail.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I don't mind the face myself. It's certainly a strong jaw and bone structure for a woman, but isn't excessively masculine. I think it suits the rugged character type better than a "prettier" face might.

    I will agree that she could use quite a it more bulk on her arms and shoulders.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Nice proportions! :)
    Like the face aswell.

    You could just bulk the shoulders a little bit and thin out those hips/thighs
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for all the pointers, guys! Makes me feel cared about.

    I plan on going in and working on beefing up the arms and beefing down the legs, but for now I just did some work on the face. Is it looking a little more attractive?

    As for the asymmetry on the shirt, I had left the shoulder strap out of the render because I hadn't done much on the texture yet. But the pressure of the strap is what's causing the asymmetry.

  • Vertrucio
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    Vertrucio greentooth
    Perhaps raise the back of the jaw upwards, and push in slightly? I mean very slightly. I think the rugged look is fine, you don't want to make her generically feminine. However, the back of the jaw size is definitely different between most males and females.
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    A few small changes... Anyone have any advice on this before I start baking everything down and working more on textures?

    Of course I still need to work on the hair.

  • DashXero
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    DashXero polycounter lvl 12
    For some odd reason, her arms seem a little thin compared to the rest of her... it's like she has meat everywhere but her arms.

    But maybe it's just me.
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    Ok. So the arms still need more beefing up? I did add more muscle before the last render, but I suppose I wouldn't mind adding more.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    I think you SHOULD spend time on thinking up lore and background info on her. This will help you design her much much better. It doesn't have to be a desert, but looking at her now, where do you think she lives? What does she do?
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5

    Yes I am afraid you are right. I do feel like my character development was pretty thin. I was thinking of her as existing in a sort of remote outpost on a post-apocalyptic Earth or another planet where there is a sort of Marshall law and an old west flair. Similar worlds might be Borderlands, Rage, or Firefly. I see her as being able to take care of herself, but not really interested in any greater cause. i.e. not a hero.

    I am getting near the end of this though, and really just want to get it done for now. I don't know if I have any energy for a character redesign. I will just know to think more about it before designing another character. I'm thinking I should probably use someone else's concept next time I do a human character. I love designing creatures, but I am not much of a costume designer!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    The arms aren't disproportionately thin, but for a character who's fairly powerfully built otherwise, they are looking a bit underdeveloped. You could afford to bulk them up quite considerably I think.
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    Here's where I am at the moment. Still needs some tweaking but let me know what you think.

  • Brandon.LaFrance
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    Brandon.LaFrance polycount sponsor
    Progress is looking great. I do have a few suggestions to improve the anatomy.

    My primary concern is with the torso. I think her rib cage may be a bit too robust leading to the illusion of skinny arms. If you're going for a powerful build, try reducing the volume of the rib cage while maintaining the width at the shoulders. This is most apparent from the 3/4 view.

    The face is looking great, but I think the rest of the cranium could use some more volume, particularly around the back of the head. I know that the hair is pulled tight against the skull, but it should still add some volume, right now it looks like it is mostly painted onto a shaved head.
  • Natland
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    Natland polycounter lvl 9

    My suggestions off the top of my head, some are just personal preference (the boobs, waist and cheek bones) but I think they help. Good luck! :)
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    Hey, thanks both of you! I'm working on your suggestions right now. Although I have to go meet a friend so it might be a little later until I update. I especially appreciate the work you went through on the paintover, Natland.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    While no need for her to wear them in presentation, an accessory all desert travels require is a face mask and goggles for protection of sand/dust storms. This video speaks a bit on this http://youtu.be/H-xQjXSN6vM
  • proximity
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    proximity polycounter lvl 9
    her face is too long here jaw shhould meet her ears, her shoulders are not wide enough
  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    I tried to make some changes according to everyone's suggestions. Let me know if it's enough.


    plus a shot of the goggles so you can see they do indeed exist:

  • Perlinfalcon
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    Perlinfalcon polycounter lvl 5
    ok, here is another update. Getting close to calling this done. Let me know what you think.

  • Natland
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    Natland polycounter lvl 9
    The changes have helped it a lot, I really like how her face turned out! I think there is many ways you could improve on this (folds, anatomy, hair etc.) but I think this is looking good and you should move onto a new piece! For your next piece, I recommend doing some studies for each material on them maybe? That way it will help you when you go to make it.
    If you want to move forward with her more, I would do more work on her jeans, make them more worn and dersert sticken: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_iEUxKIdIjYs/TBJezYcIWSI/AAAAAAAACEo/y5ThAHAwZe8/s1600/Dirty+Jeans.jpg

    Good luck!
  • bigphun
    On that last pose it looks like you're trying to arch the eyebrow, When you do that it normally forces the other side down quite a lot which will make the expression clearer.
  • _DMage_
    Getting better here :D five stars :D★★★★★
  • Scarlett
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    Scarlett null
    The back of her head looks a little small. If you look at a skull you'll see that the face is about 1/3 of the head. Also her tummy button is too high. Other than that, fab job. I'm especially loving your textures!
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Her forehead is too long. Move the hairline down a tad. Move bellybutton down as well.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    The quality of the character model/texture surprised me after seeing the concept. Very well done!
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