Decided to give this thing it's own thread.
Hopefully this thing will be the start of some portfolio pieces.
Where I am currently at:
Highpoly (bit old)

LP Wires:
11700 tri's total

LP/bake/ao: (have to finalise it, and add the text/etc)
2k for the gun, 1k for the scope, and the thing that holds it.

@Shanthosa sure, uploading it to my dropbox atm (might take a while, upload speeds here are slow and its 500mb), I'll pm you the link when it's up.
Here's a little video on the two processes. (It's AK focused, but principles are the same)
And bek, this is an actual existing real lifeweapon (if I understand your post correctly) I didn't come up with the design
And I am having some trouble finding a decent picture (or the font) of the text that's stamped on the side of the gun where the mag goes in, in case anyone has done this one before and has some tips on where to find that, let me know, it would help a lot
left side:
right side:
(Made in germany..)
There's a crapload of images on that site so you might be able to find some clearer ones digging through them.
Since it's such a common weapon, I just went to some of those sites that sell parts and just picked out some slightly different parts to make it a bit more unique
And thanks for taking the time to look up those pictures, running part of the first one trough what the font I managed to find something that is really close.
Grey parts are untextured. (just kind of like to work that way, don't know if it's good or not).
A bit of progress, feel like I could use a second set of eyes at this point, so any feedback is more then welcome.
There is only one thing that puzzles me a bit.
Shouldn't the ring holding the aimpoint dotsight be rotated 90 degrees so the screws are facing up? But since i'm definitely no weapon expert i could be wrong
Ye there are some variations (had to google for a moment to be sure
The one I made is one like these (the shorter one, but couldn't find it on google).
I guess you are mostly talking about the parts since I had another look at his, and I don't think in terms of texture they can be really compared.
Obviously as a newer "artist" you end up trying to emulate the people you look up to, but in that sense I actually look more towards polygoo's stuff (wich I am not doing a all to good job at, but well
In terms of the parts, I actually had a couple of really cool looking references in my ref, but then I remembered his, and his seem to be based on those, so I actually tried to make it so that mine actually was different enough
only real other option would have been to drop the front rail, but I have a soft spot for rails with those xtm rail covers
And it was probably meant in a more joking way, but I just wanted to react to it, since I do feel very strongly about giving credit when it's needed, but in this case it just didn't occur to me since I had no intention of doing similar to his, and I didn't feel like just not doing the things I thought looked cool because someone else already did it once before.
If he hadn't made his, mine would probably have looked even more like his.
anyway, sorry for the wall of text
In terms of design, there are tons of variations on the MP5. Just doing a quick google search, I see that those guns have foldable stocks, collapsible stocks, and a sling to replace the stock. The fore grip seems to come in standard length, short length, rails, and some of the short foregrips have a fixed vertical grip (my personal favorite). They even look pretty good silenced. Also, both EOTech and Aimpoint would work for that gun, but I wouldn't put anything with a zoom on it since it'd hardly make sense on a 9mm.
It's also important to remember that when digital artists create 3D weapons, they don't always make exact matches to the real life materials but instead use what is aesthetically pleasing and what fits in their application. Battlefield 3 is a prime example of not using the real finishes on guns, but man their stuff looks good, right? Because it reads well and works. So keep that in mind when modeling from digital creations, and make sure you don't stray too far from the actual materials.
Lastly, I hope I haven't discouraged you. The model looks great and it looks like your texturing is coming along. I'm excited to see more come from you. *Subscribing now.
Learned a good "lesson" out of this, since well they are just to similar, and well, as you said, people will be thinking about that one and make comparisons. (wich if they are comparing it to lonewolfs work, that's not gonna be good for me since his work is just amazing
Throwing it up for a last time for feedback before I finish it. (have to add some scratches to the main piece, and then just finish off the untextured ones + tweak the aimpoint a bit more).
So if anyone has some last feedback, shoot
modern HK guns have very dark, shiny metal, accented by lighter matte gray plastics. very clear big difference between the materials so it translates into great game art. try and get some color in there too.
here are some examples. see if you can separate your materials so they are as big and clear as these.
Not sure if you wanted to add this onto the aimpoint, that piece that stretches from the windage to the elevation knob has the Aimpoint words on it.
Looking real good either way. :poly121:
Thanks everyone for the comments, especially racer445.
Since working on those things, and in meanwhile doing the whole gun to a base level is taking some time (comfort zone and such).
so, sorry guys that I don't have anything new to show, and only text
@perkins, yes I was planning to, just haven't gotten to it since I am just focusing on the gun itself now, but thanks for reminding me, because these things do slip from my mind from time to time
Hopefully this is looking somewhat better in terms of materials.
And also expiremented a bit, since I got the advice to try and push things a bit further then what is comfortable, so if I did something stupid, let me know
And bakes were done in max, since I never had any problems with it (if I use a engine it's udk), and it's just a lot easier not having to export stuff constantly.
With just some lights added (and shadows on the main light on), and that's it basicly
And then afterwards just a slight unsharp mask in PS.
Started to go crazy a bit on it, and just try'd out some stuff.
There was just to many that I wish I had done different from the start, so this is final, and then somewhere in januari when I got some free time I'll come back to it and redo it more "realistic".
Feedback is welcome.
try to desature it from the top to the bottom (green) and add spots of decolorisation
Nice texture nonetheless man!