Hi Poly ppl
Okay so I'm between jobs at the moment, Having recently been made redundant, and it seems the most game art jobs out there( here in the uk anyway) are for environment artists. This is a bit of a problem for me having every really done any environment stuff. So This week I started a new project with the aim of changing that.
So I thought I'd start simple. nothing too ornate (since i dont know zbrush either), but hopefully something that would be a bit more impressive than a box with a brick texture on it. The image below it the building I've chosen. Lots of repeating elements that can be made into modules.

Here are the modular peace's i've made so fare

and here's them snapped together.

I'm working on the understanding that one generic max unit is equal to 1 udk unit, and that 2 udk units equals 1 inch. I hope someone can tell me if that scale sounds right.
My hope is to create a couple of modular buildings like this & maybe something special like a church or fire station that can be stand alone portfolio peace's. Once there done i'd thake the whole lot into udk and make a bit of a street scene.
if anyone has any advice or crits on what i have so far, then i'd love to hear them.
thx - D