Hey everyone,
I'm working on this "Driver" character for a school project, so I thought I might share and get feedback/crit on it.
Basically they wanted us to make thugs, and go over the top on storyline, here's what I came up with

He's this blind racer guy, with a monkey as pet. Because of his unexisting vision, the monkey holds his head while driving, and doesn't mind the occasional hit-and-run. Do mind that this is set in a fictional world, where there is no law and is run by none other than thugs themselves.
Anyway, here's me finishing the design process

I really want to uphold a grungy feeling, lots of stains, dirt. Will have alot of fun doing the eyes and life-less skincolor. What I also want to keep in my 3D is that "80's" Drive feeling.
Here's the first WIP's

And here's where I'm at NOW

Next on the agenda : facial hair, his "hairdo" , pockets/seams on suit , shoelaces
So, lots of feedback appreciated!
The hands look really good but his pinky might be a little bit too thin at the end though.
Can't wait to see more work done on this.
I was originally aiming to bring it in a "dishonored" like setting, grungy realism with a touch. But like you have said, and others around me watching the process I should revert to the sketch more, and pursue that "style"
I'm quite afraid though, this is my second character i'm making and I never finished my first. I should slap myself in the face and experiment, experiment and experiment more! Fear is for the weak, right?
Does anyone have tips for the hair? was thinking of simply making in low poly, but i've seen some cool high poly hairdo's
check out this video, specifically 4:20 to 6:35
And it's not that bad, maybe I exaggerated it a bit
What I notice is, that this video is surprisingly easy to work to, quite soothing. Just had it playing in the background for like 2 minutes and it relaxed my mind while working
Just wondering, any plans on doing the monkey as well?
YES, the monkey will be the masterpiece!
Shoes update, almost finished with them, a little touch ere and dere'
I also started on the designs for his car, trying a lot of things with it.
In the meanwhile a friend of mine is also modelling it, and some designs/sketches may have various attributes.
Here's the first two sketches/designs
Love sketching the car, gunna sketch a lot of the props/details too, as well as provide modelsheets for them
Will give a grander view of the whole character later on.
Hands, shoes
Working on sketches of the engine/the hair
Still need to post end of sculpt. Gunna sprint this retopo through first.
here's topology updates on face and body
Currently busy with : engine sketch, hair, eyes
Might have to polycrunch hands
EDIT: forgot to say, at 16k tris now, hence that i might polycrunch some stuff
Here's the first try-outs for my normal maps and basic diffuse colors
Enough color testing, going to sleep now, big texturing day tomorrow!
I like the hair!
I suggest making a quick skeleton/rig and seeing if deforms correctly. Im having reservations on the way his elbow wil deform.
Good luck!
I'm noticing I failed some in the uv-layout, need way more pixels for the face. Probably going to rebake after I finish these texture tests for my school assignment. And will work on 4096x4096 next time to really learn texturing.
EDIT: oh! sorry guys didn't see the replies, I'm still new to rigging and skinning, my first test will probably be the standard max biped
forgot to uncheck flip greens cause of the 2013 --> 2012 max change
By the way what school are you attending?
After the exam I reordered my UVlayout and rebaked it in max2012, here's the results with just Paintbucket-skincolor-bakeAO-diffuse map, already looking better than what I handed in
@ Synyster, thank you, bro!
@ KonstantinL I'm attending Digital Arts and Entertainment @Howest in belgium
EDIT: oh! and thank you too Konstantin
Not MUCH difference, but it helps some, posting some multiple views
Lets seesome textures!!