Hey people
Is it possible to move faces or edges in mayas uv texture editor? Im moving over to maya from cinema4d at work and I cant figure out why the radial menu to select faces/verts/edges/uvs only seems to work properly in the uv editor when I select the uv option? why are the other options visible if they dont work, eg I cant move edges or faces or rotate them?
select by face convert to uv then move as normal. Then in essence you are moving the entire face selected by UV's within the uv editor. I have convert to uv bound to a key so working with the UV editor is painless as possible
cinema4ds uv mapping isnt that great, I use max at home and its similar to cinema4d but a little better, maya seems rather confusing when it comes to uvs compared to pretty much every other app Ive seen. Im using maya 2012 at work, it doesnt seem to move edges/verts when I move them in the uv editor so hopefully thats ok.
can you explain this a little more? I thought q would quit the current tool...
the q key goes to selection mode which is what you need to be on in the UV editor in order for edge or face selection to work. Once you have an edge or face selected, hold down ctrl and right click to pull up the radial menu, then select to UVs. It can also be useful to use that menu to select an edge loop since double clicking an edge loop does not work in the UV editor.
Also how can I unselect uv verts? I have a shape that Ive split off but whenever I grab it all the verts its linked to on the other uv islands come with
You want to use the select shell tool at the top of the UV editor menu. Its in the top left group of buttons in the UV editor near the unfold tool.
either works, it is just easier to use the move UV's tool, or select 1 uv in the shell, and use the to shell.
since it is rather hard to select to perfectly overlapping UV's with the plain old click selection or box selection.
EDIT! nevermind I just rotated until i could see the face that the verts bordered and used del key on the face mode instead. Why didnt it work in vert mode!?