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How to fix this error without creating seams?

polycounter lvl 12
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ichidan polycounter lvl 12
Hey Guys, really struggling with this one, stilling getting used to normal maps.

learning curve for me this one, but ive got an issue with the fur as i dont really know how to sort out the stray fur parts. Atm they are just overlapping parts in the UV which is why im getting problems but im not really sure how to go about fixing it! Any ideas? also is 1500 tris too much for a single piece for ingame use.

Thanks for any advice




  • Goat Justice
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    Goat Justice polycounter lvl 10
    Edit: Might want to disregard... just re-read the thread title. And this would definitely create seams.

    Not sure what constraints you're under for UV creation, but you might consider breaking up the UVs for the fur and unwrapping several clumps instead of going for 1 big island with everything which seems to be creating overlaps. It should be easy enough to use something like roadkill to cut the uvs up by just following the natural boundaries between the clumps of fur.
  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    If it were me I'd try relaxing those bits until they're no longer overlapping in the UVs. Those pieces are so small and they have zero detail on them anyway so any stretching probably won't be very noticeable.

    BTW: cool character!
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Usually what i do for small pieces like that is to do the UVs like this,


    Your still going to face very low resolution in those areas, but if they arent going to be really detailed, then you can get away with it.

    Alternatively, you can cut those protruding bits out and have them as separate UV islands, that way you can scale them up and get more pixeldensity in there.
  • ichidan
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    ichidan polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks alot guys for the replies! very much appreciated :)

    Dustin: I understand what your saying about the 90 degree angles and how its bad for normals, i kinda wanted to make a more interesting silhouette but ill definitely give what you said a go as im looking for the best outcome of course thankyou :)

    Goat: I kinda see what you mean about the threat name now :/ sorry, im not really sure how to change it. whenever i create seams i always find they stand out so much when renders in game :/ maybe im just looking too closely at it. ill give it a go though thank you :)

    Haikai: thankyou for the compliment :) ill definitely give this, i was kinda hoping to just let the distance in game hide it anyway :) thankyou! huge fan of your work too :)

    Raptor: That seems like it could work pretty well, ill give it a go! thanks a bunch :)
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