It looks like your trying to model most of the whole thing as one piece, which is making it harder than it needs to be.
There's natural seams and stuff where it could be sepparated to make it a lot easier to get the smoothed shapes right.
Also don't forget about using floaters for small details like screws and stuff! That also makes it easier to get the big smooth shapes intact
In case you're not familiar with floaters, here's an image that explains it quite well!
Huh, I never thought of using the high poly version like that, thanks for the tip Callesw! I think I might try to implement that in this model on some of those smaller details.
Hey guys, just tossing up a progress update on my prop so far!
I've moved on past the low-poly and have started baking my normals with a first pass at a texture, but here's a quick few renders of my high-poly and low-poly.
try to put a little more work in capturing the reference on your high poly, especially the grip and the top of you high poly lack detail. Good process so far though.
Thanks for the advice BIGSOG, and if I had more time I would definitely try to implement that, but unfortunately I'm on a relatively tight timetable. I've addressed some of the grip detailing in my diffuse, I'll try and get a little more of those details in the upper area.
There's natural seams and stuff where it could be sepparated to make it a lot easier to get the smoothed shapes right.
Also don't forget about using floaters for small details like screws and stuff! That also makes it easier to get the big smooth shapes intact
In case you're not familiar with floaters, here's an image that explains it quite well!
thanks for the feedback!
just throwing up another quick progress shot for this asset, thanks for the feedback!
gonna start moving onto the low-poly version now, any feedback is still appreciated!
I've moved on past the low-poly and have started baking my normals with a first pass at a texture, but here's a quick few renders of my high-poly and low-poly.
Any feedback is always appreciated!
Here's what I have at the moment: