Hey there everyone, I am working from a piece of concept art by Artyom Vlaskin.

Starting with the main structure here is the blockout.

I started modelling out the details with the door

Then the Roof

The Towers



Quick Render

I'm going to start texturing next, and thinking about what kind of foliage and ground I want to add to the structure. Feedback and crit appreciated

especially when I start texturing, as this is my biggest weakness.
Your version however doesn't have them staggered, but lined up perfectly
It's a small thing but it will help sell the final image I'm sure.
Keep up the good work
Yeah that's a great point, cheers, I am not really happy with the bottom either, that will be a good start. I think they need a little more variation aswell, whether from slight model or texture differences, will help sell it a little more.
Here is a render with the additional details, such as the 'crows nest' watchtower etc.
Like I said I have had a stab at texturing, starting with the door.
Any and all crit is welcome. Cheers
The logs are still on my to do list, and I think the bottom in general will probably help once the foliage is in the scene (thanks for reminding me I almost forgot!). The plan is to match the 'tropical' foliage from the concept with Ferns, Palms etc, and yeah some vines aswell now cheers
Thanks, and I couldn't agree more, I am trying to improve my texturing skills with this scene so I hope that by the end they are really great.
BTW I am working with the same concept, but not handpainted.:)
Good luck