To (hopefully) improve my texturing skills and get to grips with photoshop I decided to do a still life of a pair of leather boots to add to my portfolio.
The boots were sculpted in Zbrush and then exported as displacement maps.
As I was building the scene the boots looked a bit lonely so I added the polish and brushes.
Photoshop was used for texturing with a little help from bodypaint.
It was always my intention to add a little bit of fur for the boots as i had never used it. Raytraced fur looks good but takes ages to render so I am currently trying to recreate raytraced fur using rasterizer and depth map shadows. With little success so far I should add.
I have used mental ray to render the scene.
The final thing that I wish to do is track a camera move around the still life.
I welcome any comments and critique from you lovely people.
I hope you like.