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WIP stylized Halloween town house

polycounter lvl 6
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kneowave polycounter lvl 6
Hey guys, this is my first WIP thread here on polycount =D My name is Kat and I'm an aspiring 3D environment artist that just graduated from art school.

I want to create a small scene with a stylized, hand-painted look to it. This is my first time attempting this style, so any critique and help is much appreciated!

Here's a quick concept that I created of what I'm going for:


and here are a couple textures that I started:






  • Bonkahe
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    Bonkahe polycounter lvl 12
    Looking good man, looking forrward to this.
  • kneowave
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    kneowave polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Bonkahe and amile duan =)

    I'm working on the low poly environment now, still needs some optimization with the ground/hill - but here it is so far:

  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Look good man!

    I'm absolutely loving that wood plank texture. Can't wait to see the textures on your environment.
  • kneowave
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    kneowave polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Shadownami :)

    Trying to decide where I want to go with the smaller assets and how detailed I want to go with them.

    Did a few sketches of a lantern with different styles, I'm thinking of going with A or D. What do you guys think? :O

  • Pangahas
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    Pangahas polycounter lvl 10
    Wood texture looks good though a drop of other color here and there should make it look better.As for the bricks,the highlights and the worn out edges of the brick looks a bit intense and to me it looks like it is wrapped in plastic or something.Toning them down should do the trick.
    I also like how you exaggerated the edges adding to the haloween theme you have going.
    Low poly looks great but as you cited it the hill can do some more optimization.Otherwise a great start and I'm looking forward to seeing the scene come to completion.
  • kneowave
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    kneowave polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Pangahas, I'll work on adding some more color on the wood and see what I can do to fix the bricks. I might try and make them look sharper overall and have some seem to stick out a little bit from the wall. I think because I used the warp tool in photoshop, it's making them look more plastic-y. Time to work :D!
  • Zyloh
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    Zyloh polycounter lvl 8
    I'm diggin this. I agree with you on A. I think the bat on top would be pretty sweet!
  • kneowave
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    kneowave polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Zyloh :) I think I'm going to go with A, I think it'll be easier to read from further away.

    Heres a quick outline for the new brick shapes:
  • kneowave
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    kneowave polycounter lvl 6
    Here's how the new brick is turning out:
  • Pangahas
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    Pangahas polycounter lvl 10
    Now that definitely looks better imo.Very nice.
    As for the lantern I like A as well but maybe add the swirly thing of D.
  • kneowave
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    kneowave polycounter lvl 6
    Back into this! Ok I updated the wood texture, wanted it to be more brown with subtle green patches. Started working on grass, dirt, and tree wood textures (512x512)

    The wood is 1024x1024, should I shrink it to 512 as well? I was thinking that it'd be better bigger if I end up making a town with other wood houses in it too.

    Also might try having the tree pattern be straight vertical instead of twisted (tree texture is just basic right now, will add more detail and better painting soon)



    and I started unwrapping stuff to test textures in the scene (rendered in maya with physical sun and sky)

  • kneowave
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    kneowave polycounter lvl 6
    Here's how the roof texture is coming along:
    for some reason they look blurry. maybe i should try sharpening them?


    and the tree:

  • joshmtyler
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    joshmtyler polycounter lvl 5
    I really love the style of your hand painted textures, they are really solid. The only thing I would say is that they are a bit flat. I would go into photoshop and play with the levels to get a stronger color/value variation.

    I've taken them and literally moved the levels over a bit and added a vibrant layer. Nothing spectacular but you can see a huge difference. (Not to say that my examples are at all perfect)
  • kneowave
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    kneowave polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Joshmtyler =)
    Ok played with levels vibrance and sharpness for the textures:

    Here's how they look in the scene in Maya (screenshot):

  • joshmtyler
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    joshmtyler polycounter lvl 5
    Looking better. I would take it into an engine as soon as possible. It's always good to test what it may look like in engine while working. Plus, it totally boosts your morale mid workflow! I really do like the style though.
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