Hi. Hope you guys can help me with this. have spend a couple of days trying to work this out already. btw It's the first time I'm working with games (Have been using Maya for some time).
I'm Currently making a racing game for a school project. I have imported my terrain mesh that i have modelled in Maya and found two seamless terrain textures (Dont wanna use the ones unity provide). And now I want to paint the mesh with textures. how do i do this best? I've considered so many ways of doing this: First idea was to bake the two textures together with a colormap containing alpha values, in Maya, but that didnt work.
Then i found this video: [ame="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM-vk5yAdLY"]TerrainPaint v3.0 Preview - YouTube[/ame]
where its possible to paint the textures directly in Unity. Brilliant I thought! but it uses the Unity built in Terrain tool, and not custom meshes. Then i tried concerting my mesh to a height map, but that looked like crap. So now my head is spinning and dont know what to do.
I assume this must be a pretty straight forward thing to do, as developers must be doing this all the time, And that its just me being a total noob at this. So please guide me to a good solution. Thanks!