Howdy Polycounters!
I've been working on a project for the last few weeks and I figured its time to stop hiding away in the WAYWO thread and post a full thread.
For aslong as I can remember ive been a huge fan of driving. More specifically im really into
Drifting is a driving technique where the driver intentionally oversteers, causing loss of traction in the rear wheels, while maintaining control from entry to exit of a corner. A car is drifting when the rear slip angle is greater than the front slip angle, to such an extent that often the front wheels are pointing in the opposite direction to the turn
I spent the last 2 years kidding myself that Id be able to get a drift car and set it up so I could learn to drift. I traveled far and wide for the perfect 200sx that id be able to use as both a road car and an occasional track car, but every car I test drove had something wrong with it. It had either been used and abused or just generally felt too good to be true. I ended up buying a
faster front wheel drive car which is my pride and joy. Still, there is always that part of me that wants to be going sideways round every corner..
Id been thinking about starting a new project for a while whilst the dust settles on the Bioshock project. I figured it would be great to try and address some areas in my skill-set that need some attention. I've made vehicles and weapons before, but id definitely like to push myself to do some more complicated shapes.
So yeah, the idea of the project is to recreate in one way or another this fantastic video of one of my favorite drivers Ryan Tuerck. I plan on making the full environment, the car ive been dreaming of, and set it all up so it can drift around the environment in a short video (similar to a game cinematic from Dirt or Forza).
with some hints of:
Ill be making the Car, inside and out, the engine, the drive-train, the interior, even all of the buttons and gadgets as it would be set up for drifting. I want this to have personality, its not going to be a car straight out of a showroom, bits are going to be hanging off its going to be very used and abused.
Where im currently at:

(this is just the 1x turbosmoothed high poly with some diffuses thrown onto it in engine to test)
References (will add to these as I move on with the project.) -

Click image to see larger (56k warning!)
Construction shots:

So yeah, hit me up with some critique, im relatively new to vehicle stuff so id love some pointers in areas im going wrong!
Ive had some great stuff so far (and a long list of things to fix and change) big thanks to Laurens Corjin/NathanD/Jeff Parrot/Helder/Perna for some extensive critique.
Probably because I built the outside first with no concern for what went inside, but y'know... ;]
It might be a drift specific thing but the wheels look a bit... bulbous.
Feel free to continue blowing my mind!
I agree that the wheels look very weird. Both the rims them self and the tires. The spokes look very thin, and look like they are bulging out.
The car details are awesome. Is the paint job all set up in cryENGINE? I know the car is the main focus here but the ground looks really nice too.
also i believe the sideskirts are too thick in the higher point, where they end towards the fenders. in reality this part's thickness is no more than about 1-1.5cm
also i believe your tires (and wheels maybe) are a bit big. try a little smaller, the car will be lower to the ground gives me a too bulged out feeling.
nice work generally, the interior is great, i dont know why you would keep the stock seats and wheel though, unless you re making a replica of your own car and want it to be the same
Interestingly my friend was building an RX7 and it was set to be running around 500bhp, his tyres where stretched beyond what you'd consider safe and everyone kept telling him not to do it. Luckily the "deathtrap" was never completed..
@ZacD - this "lip" around the tyres is called "rolled arches" where the arches are flared out in order to cater for larger sized wheels. That being said that area is alittle..messy, ill do some clean up on that tomorrow. Thanks man!
@VPrime - I know! Zenki..Kouki, there are literally hundreds of awesome combinations for an s14, I love them all
Thanks for the help man!
- Ahaha, yeah pretty much, I figured with all the awesome tech in CE3, would be rude to not to.
- Great stuff, so much cool shit (that ive gone through and fixed!) here, I definitely agree with you on the tires, and the rims, and the side skirts! Im actually in the process of modelling some aftermarket bucket seats at the moment, someone else said "you've got a stripped out car, and the standard seats?!", so yeah eventually it will have some nice racing seats. Thanks for the help dude!
Some slight progress!
*Fixed issue where Wind-screen was too curved
*Added curved line into the front headlamp lens
*changed wheels, thickened "spokes" altered the design based on reference.
*Made wheels smaller, tyres less "stretched".
*thinned out side-skirts
*fixed pinching in bumper
Can't see any images *sadface*
is this in CE3 now ?
looks very good, in 3.4.3 build you can enable Antialiasing in editor:
r_supersampling = 2 (you can go higher 3 or 4):)
@ urgaffel - Argh, bugger! I love Picturepush as they allow for non-compressed uploads, when you compare the quality between Picturepush and other sites it night and day. I could make a joke about how the car is so good its like Porn, but its not so I wont :P
@ chicken- Yeah, I know a few ways to get very crisp screenies from CE3, however this is just a production shot so I wansnt really fussed about the aliasing. This is being exaggerated in this shot as there are quite a few artifacts caused by the turbosmoothed model being dropped into the editor. Hopefully when its baked/textured ill pull out all the stops to get it very smooth
Not that its needed or anything, just something I thought up
Few things I've noticed - the top edge of the windscreen and the front side windows should line up - they currently don't which gives the roof a kind of curved/bulbous look. You probably could do with the front wheels being less tucked into the arch - I don't think you'd be able to turn much as they currently are!
Other than that it's looking sweet - awesome project idea for sure - I look forward to seeing how you tackle the tyre smoke billowing/accumulation around the rear arches (one of my favourite sights in drifting
Closeup of front wheel
However, the height seems to be just fine for a car made for drifting, aleast when considering that the tires aren't as stretched anymore.
I agree about the windscreen/side windows/roof though, I'd also like to point out the bodyline going across the side which feels a bit odd. I think the side should be a bit rounder with a sharper edge going across. I could be wrong though.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of this
- Yeah! you're right, I think without the stretched tyres it does feel alittle more believable, the original model took "hellaflush" to a new level. Ive tried to build the model "set up" for drifting as you've said, ill be interested in when the car is animated how the arches restrict the wheel's movement, but I guess ill cross that bridge when I get to it. (cheers for the reference btw! Ive been struggling to find shots of a 200 that is as tucked as I wanted).
Yeah, the bodyline has been abit of a bitch tbh, very difficult to make out in some shots and very clear in others, Im going to keep tweaking it, Laurens (xoliul) suggests that it is essentially tucked inwards around this area so Im going to have a play around with it and see if I can get it looking better. Thanks for the help dude!
Progress -
Bare in mind this is the old car (none of the changes are into the engine yet) and this is very WIP, just been working on the environmental elements for the environment atm.
Critique from today so far (its done the rounds at work already lol)
- Get the updated car in,
- Bring more green into the vegetation,
- work on the scale, everything seems alittle out atm,
- push the buildup of dirt on the ground.
So yeah, been struggling to get much time to work on the project so its been a case of putting in a few hours here and there where I can, im going to start constructing the rest of the environment this week in blockout form whilst also working on the car. Lots to do!
Thanks for the help everyone!
P.S, Saw this when at Ikea yesturday, my Girlfriend and I test drove it about 8 months ago and almost bought it (seem the current owner snapped it up before I could!). Fantastic car, managed to get underneath it and get some reference shots
I *have* seen cars that flush before
cheers for the help dude!
What about dropbox? Although that is usually blocked by Barracuda too... However, using a https link instead of http works (most of the time)
I have been fixing, tweaking, changing and generally messing with the model for an hour here and hour there. Im confident that the body is *almost* there, (minus a few horrible areas that need work, namely the rear c pillar, and ill get to work fixing them asap. Any critique would be great, im struggling to see the wood for the trees at the moment.
I was going to ask the next obvious question as to where the body panel seams have gone? are you floating them?
Overall i think the model is looking great. personally I think maybe some of your supporting edges could be tighter to reduce the smooth look in some of the creases and corners but by the sounds of things your already getting on top of that.
I have been considering a similar project for a while myself, so I'm pretty excited to see how this one turns out!
keep up the good work dude!
ps, I'm assuming you have already seen this but worth a watch anyway
Some of the edges are quite..soft (some intentionally..some not!) I do intend on baking this out so some of the soft edges are simply so the normal map catches them. I have paid alittle more attention to tightening some of these up over the weekend though.
@Jeff, yeah, this car is quite difficult to judge. I think the way the carpaint catches the light makes the sides quite difficult to define from reference. Im 95% confident ive got the profile right, but im not positive, there are plenty of inaccuracies (gunna have to chalk that one up to learning curve). So difficult to achieve the level of accuracy that you would expect from a racing game. I found this pretty interesting to see how they did it in Forza.
Updatez! More work on the body, cutting the boot lid, doors and windows in now, spent hours and hour trying to sort out various issues, the interior now lines up with the exterior. Planning to get the highpoly done by the end of the week!
(viewport captures from 3dsmax)
You planning to flip many of your UV's for the res or sticking to a full unwrap? Just being nosey really haha
Look forward to seeing some more of the Environment work now the car is coming on nicely!
Keep up the hard work.
I will be mirroring certain sections, but areas like the bumper, boot lid etc will not be mirrored as sometimes CE3 has a hard time with seams i the middle of large smooth areas, and I foresee huge issues with this. I guess areas that make sense to flip (especially ones that are identical each side) will make sense to do so.
Im off work now for a few weeks so ill be hammering this project as much as possible during this time.
Ive been working whenever I can for the past few weeks on parts of the engine, drive train, suspension and Interior so I can finally start pulling everything together. The Interior for the car is well and truly in progress, I'm still working on the floor pan and gathering references (its hard to gauge where some things go as not many people take screenshots of the more "boring" areas of a car..). Im currently just blocking this stuff out to make sure it all fits in the right place.
Anyway, pictures straight outta viewport:
Some decent reference for the pinch in the doors:
Also, still not convinced by the fender flares. I know you are using this as reference, but it's not correct yet. The ref image is much smoother and sloping, yours is very hard and juts out suddenly, which makes that whole area look a bit off.
And just personal opinion, but I prefer the stock arches (ends on a flat band), just seems more credible and better designed.
@chrisradsby - thank you dude! It might not be the most interesting subject matter ever, but I'm really enjoying it. I have been playing farcry 3 btw and my God, what a game! Great work from you guys!
UPDATES - I have been working on the interior over the last couple of days including some zbrush work on the driver's seat, it's still alittle messy in places but I will clean these up before I bake them. Feel free to crit!
looking sick so far dude!
@Athomield - Thanks man! glad you guys like it, quite a "niche" subject but hopefully with abit of work it'll look more interesting than your usual car thread
@RoosterMAP - thanks man! you'll like this update then
More progress on the 200sx Drift Cinematic, very WIP but here is the rollcage and "wand". The hydraulic "wand" is a handbrake that doesn't lock into place and is much more responsive than the regular parking brake. These are usually wrapped in grip-tape to prevent them slipping out of the drivers hands.
Super work in progress but it at least gives me an idea of what the final thing might look like.
nobody uses zipties on metal parts, or metal to fiberglass/plastic parts.
only fiberglass to fiberglass
and i dont know why you re keeping the stock seats, first , using 4 point harnesses on street seats is a deathtrap. secondly, no drifter would keep the stock seats, they have no "hold" on you... no offense, out of curiosity, do you have a car?
oh, and another thing, no drifter carries spare wheels, its not the WRC :P
better make a racing fuel cell in that place, and a swirl pot.
Ill pull back on the stitch and keep it confined to the fiberglass areas of the car rather than on the metal. I was originally aiming for something along the lines of:
but it seems a shame to totally destroy the car after all the work ive put into getting the body straight. The idea was that this car would be a drift-pig, a cheap car someone will have stripped out for weight gains and made competitive, rather than a fully fledged race car.
Many people keep the stock seats and fit harnesses to these for many reasons:
this is mainly because alot of tracks have regulations regarding restraints so they are put in in order to allow the car to use the tracks, same as a rollcage really. Also, the standard seats from a 200sx S14 are surprisingly supportive, ive driven several S14's and s14a's all with stock seats and the seats where the least of my concerns. "no offense, out of curiosity, do you have a car?" Yes, if you read back 1 page in the original post I say how I was looking for one of these cars for some time and bought another car instead.
"no drifter carries spare wheels, its not the WRC :P" I think you'll find the opposite, they'll probably offload the tyre when they are drifting, but the likelihood is that if you're out in the middle of nowhere and you get a blow out you're going to need a spare tyre no?
I've modeled a battery relocation to the boot of the car, as many people do this in order to fit uprated turbos in the engine bay, however I wont be adding fuel cells and what not in the boot as in all of the drift cars i've seen i've never seen one with a fuel cell in the boot or a swirlpot.
Cheers for the input dude,
The tow hook looks a little too large/chunky, it should be about 70% of that size. Also, some of the damage to the body panels is reading as leathery and not as sheet metal, fiberglass, or plastic.
I know you have a reference photo of someone running stock seats + harnesses but they are only using a roll bar and not a full cage. Harness+stock seat isn't the safest thing in the world but adding the roll cage makes it extremely dangerous. I don't know much about drifting but you would never be allowed to go racing with that setup and I personally wouldn't drive that car on the street.
i ve been track racing a while and yeah, we carry spare wheels, but not in the car, we leave them in the pits. as for drift cars and fuel cells, the photo i posted is of a drift s14. anyway i just wanna help, dont'get me wrong i try to do constructive criticism. sorry if i come out as a know-it-all.
p.s. 200sx is my next car, i just want to get my credit card debt off my back.
@Alec - I think you're right about the tow-hook being too chunky, the actual size is right, but they are actually a thinner. They are actually for racing, to allow the track officials to pull the car out quickly and easily, so I figured making it thicker would be alittle more believable as it has to hold the weight of the entire car. Ill fix that, Good spot! Ive removed the damage from the body panels for now, I will go back and make the damage more superficial when I come to bake it out.
Yeah, i realize the rollcage/stock seats issue might not be allowed in real life, but I prefer how it looks visually which i guess is the most important thing in this situation. The stock leather seats have tonnes more interest than bucket seats imo, and it adds to the whole throw together look I want to achieve.
Cheers for the input dude!
@Aga22 - Yeah, ive read that too, its actually safer to run the regular seat beats with the stock seats, but hey, I prefer how it looks in 3d at least. I figured that a spare wheel would fill the space for the renders, but when its actually drifting ill remove the tyre from the back of the car.
Get one! I certainly regret not getting one.
Thanks for the help man.
So im almost done with the highpoly so I figured id set up some vray renders to both learn vray and to show the high poly off alittle better. Im going to leave it a few weeks before I start baking out as I have some other things to do, but I figured it'd be good to get the high poly done before I let the dust settle on it.
Keep it up, it looks very good. You should maybe end putting it in a racing game, or GTA or something!
JostVice - Heya dude! erm i dont really have many tips other than the fact that the car has "lines" on both the inside and outside of the car, inside the 200sx there is a line that runs across the top of the doors and meets the dashboard and then runs onto the door on the other side, getting these "lines" into the interior is really important as it is what makes it flow!
TeeJay - The possible reason behind the wheels looking odd is that these tyres are stretched, this is when a smaller tyre is put onto a wider wheel, they stretch to fit the rim and the side walls bulge out as a result. Here is an example of what I mean. Im happy to tweak it if this is not what you where talking about? Its quite common in the modified car circles but yeah, it does look kinda odd.
FractaL - Thanks man! Its just been good fun to make all these little knobs and switches
roB0T - Ahh yeah, that might look better, they're the same exact wheels, Rota Grids so it shouldnt be too hard to just shunt back the middle bit to give more offset. Thanks man!
TheMajor - I cant wait to get it finished man! Maybe this time next year? lol! There is bound to be a tonne of experimentation between now and then as ive not had a chance to do anything like this before, so ill be testing what looks best as I go. Hopefully will be able to do some cool breakdowns at the end. Sorry for not getting back to you.
The past few months have been pretty hectic, but ive finally had a chance to jump back onto this, so hopefully will have a chance to give a good shot at getting it more fleshed out over the next few months. The progress so far:
Im currently making the low poly of the car, and have baked out but not textured the garage itself. The rest of the props are just high polies dropped into the engine for blocking out purposes. The environment will eventually be based on:
By the fantastic photographer Theo Civitello over at
Any comments/crits would be great, its early days but im all ears!
Thanks folks.
those huge leaves and big black holes on the ground don't work for me atm.