So that lovely time of the year when all the awards start to come out and some games might get a lot of attention that have already, and some gems might get a stand out *aka Demon Souls a few years back*.
So what was everyone's personal favorite game of the year?
Mine was XCOM by a long shot. It's one of the rare games that has a very addictive feel, in its core design as well as it's ability to allow the player to create their own type of fun (what ablities to pick/naming of soldiers/approach to each battle and resource gathering.). I've probably pumped close to 80+ hours in it and dont see it letting up anytime soon.
Retro/Grade was pretty awesome as far as PSN games go too.
Click Adventure - The Walking Dead (PC).
RPG-ish - Mass Effect 3(360).
Really hard to pick one favorite game...
assassins creed 3
As for 2012 goes : Natural Selection, Dishonored, Chivalry and DayZ will stay in my mind as my best 2012 video game experiences (when I'm not playing BF3, of course
But I'm going to have to give it to Dishonored.
Arkham City(Last year release)
Battlefield 3(Last year release)
Yea it was up there for me too. Put quite a few hours into that too. Really great.
Man Arkham City came out last year? Definitely losing track of time haha. Well for 2012 then its Walking Dead for me.
Dear Esther
Also DayZ and XCOM are high up on the list.
For me, it seems like i played Journey so long ago... but that game is amazing as well. Xcomm is still underrated i think. Gem of a game.
But with all the good games that were released this year its hard to make decisions... Max Payne 3 was amazing, i am enjoying Hitman Absolution, Assassin's Creed 3... tons of games.
We can say it was a good year for games.
currently planetside 2 is looking like it would make the list...
Diablo III
Walking Dead
XCOM just really hit all the sweet spots for me. Very rare these days for me to be anxious to get back home to continue playing a game, but XCOM did that for me, and right after I finished it, I wanted to start a new campaign. Even with other games on my backlog, I've continued playing XCOM. Gaming nirvana for me this year.
But favorite game this year...hmm...maybe Borderlands 2 and Tribes, plus TF2 with Bots