Hi, i want to share this Kickstarter Project.
The guy wrote the engine on his own it is looking incredible in both graphics and physics.
They are now struggling to get funded. Only 2 days left.
AAs we are artists here, they also have some tiers for artists heart, especially designing a weapon which will be used in the final game and so. also read the updates for better understanding of gameplay
heres the link.
Max 2 second logo -> close ups of combat system -> gameplay footage exploring overworld -> physics -> brief editor footage -> closing monologue.
both of them... they are developing a game with somefresh ideas and the engine is a part of it.
but they agree that the pitch video should hay be done better in terms of showing people first, that this is aa game, not a engine.
but i think the updates pretty much turned it around.
(btw in their forums there are geeat comments of the devs regarding graphic approaches for the game. eg they wont use hardware anti-aliasing but a new software approach for that.
you better then should hurry up...only 2 days left..
they now did a new update
on Blood/Gore , Shields and Fire
Nothing is easy.
Go grab an off-the-shelf physics engine like ODE and try and make a 2x2x2 cube reliably fall onto another from a height of 8 with framerate independent motion. Or try and make an efficient, flexible renderer that works on most of the GPUs out there. Or heck importing animation data from modelling packages is a nightmare because the formats are so flexible if it had any more edge cases it'd be a perfect circle. To do this kind of thing in a custom, scratch written engine is very difficult.
On the other hand, if they're using an engine that does all this already, you might have a point. But I don't think they are.
I maintain that there's nothing wrong with the project, just their presentation.
Look, what they did is easy. You also have to define "scratch written".....does reading books on graphics programming mean you are no longer from scratch? Looking at physics papers? Does looking at ogre/os code make you not from scratch? etc etc. Just calling it like I see em
Making the most amazing and high end character model or environment is no problem for an experienced artist, but it takes a ton of time, same with engines.
It's all about from what perspective, and it doesn't make it any less of a feat.
There's nothing new about what he does, but it's all about the way he uses them, very few games have managed to pull off any kind of fully physics or procedural based combat.
Sorry but creating a dynamic terrain system that textures and retopologises the geometry adding rocks, plants etc which looks like it was hand made by an artist....
That is hard and you don't know what you are talking about!
Also I wouldn't call anything ground breaking, but I really like that anyway. Hope those guys hit their goal!
I think it makes a huge difference
so jedi ...if its so easy...show me a Game with that kind of stuff, and which is also looking badass
ps .... there is also an article now on PC Gamer
Articles in magazines dont mean anything as to the ease of creation. I program graphics all day, every day. I live in code. I can tell right away that this isnt hard.
Also 150K pounds for an MMO? lol wtf.
Terrain tools do look nice though.
its singleplayer game first.....with option for multiplayer later on
well you didnt mention a game again, which has this easy things implemented?... if its so easy, why no one of that big studios ever used it?
I dont have an answer for that. Honestly I don't follow other studios very much. I don't even play videogames in my free time except if I'm at a party and its Call of Duty or Halo or something. :poly121:
that woud be for them like a squared wheel
Ah I guess I just assumed MMO.
wow jedi.
and yes - the terrain stuff looks nice, but the tech does still look sluggish, especially in the character animations. Also I fear that it will all be very procedurally samey...i hope i'm wrong. I'd drop my dollar in the bucket if there were another week left and I could wait til my pay-check.
Though, that being said, if you were using magic, explosions and force pushes and stuff like that. that would be awesome. haha
As of now I'd say that it feels more like a overgrowth-esque situation where they add information as the kickstarter progresses, which admittedly does work great for overgrowth, but less great for a kickstarter project.
And saying that the game will be like GTA meets Morrowind does not suffice for lore.
You're obviously a man with experience and raw knowledge coupled with some mad talents, can't wait to see what you've been marinating in awesomeness.
hahaha ok, Mom :poly124:
The entirely physics based anims need alot of polish tho, the characters being suspended from the waist and pulling themselves along with their legs kills alot of the nice effort they put into everything else tho
Same with the combat, like watching two toddlers slap each other with live fish.
But its early days and what they've got is still impressive and more than what alot of kickstarter's bring.
Would have been nice to see abit more about the game experience itself; its one thing to create a beautiful place to look at and another to have riveting questline/immersive interaction etc.
I wish them luck with it either way.
Just because there's not a ton of effects and magic and super fast gameplay doesn't mean it won't be an engaging experience.
But couldn't you technically do something to a similar effect with more creative control using UDK or Unity by setting up a system of balancing between ragdoll physics and pre-made animations? I feel like I remember seeings some experiments with this from Wolfire on Overgrowth a while back (though that is a custom engine). I also remember seeing stuff about motion builder balancing between the ragdoll physics and premade animations and viewing it in real-time in one of it's feature presentations a while back.
I also agree about the video. If they just had essentially a trailer at the beginning showing off the highlights of the project fast and clear then had other videos that would go in depth of different portions of the project, I think that it would attract a lot more people supporting it.
They may be able to get close BUT they would be crippled using UDK. You need source code access instead of only a scripting language so you can do advanced things
This is why a lot of developers extend on Ogre/os engines instead of using udk/unity where you are going to feel very very limited using javascript only (uscript is 99% javascript) if you are a "advanced programmer".
My $0.02 of course.
To demonstrate the diamond-square algorithm recently I quickly smashed together an implementation in UnrealScript, but because the only arbitrary geometry drawing API I have available is drawing debug lines, all I can do is draw it as a grid of lines.
No. You're wrong. They NEED source. I need it as well.
As he said, it's all about what is exposed to the developer.
With that said: this is 10k away from funding, it would be a shame if it misses its target this close to funding.
It was your choice of words when saying "Just a scripting language",
What you can and cannot do is entirely up to what is exposed to the developer, not weither it is a scripting language or not. Which in this case something is not exposed in UDK and they would need the sourcecode, yes.
Unity for example is very expansive with its scripting languages and most often you'll find that developers are perfectly fine without the sourcecode, and they'll do some crazy stuff.
I think about it in terms of "merging in completely different stuff".
I put in £60 myself..