Hi everyone,
Just working on a few swords and was wondering if anybody would like to post images of swords they've done? I did a search there and there really isn't that many on the forums, especially in comparison to, say, guns.
Anyway, I ask because I'm lacking a little inspiration really. I'm doing a "AAA Spec" sword (ish) so want to have something to aim for.
Would be really cool to see some bitchin swords here and I'll post mine when I'm done.
Well if people put up images then surely it should go here. In any case I'd love to see some images cos the forum is seriously lacking in badass swords
Why don't you start it off by posting the sword you're working on. It doesn't need to be finished to be on the forums. Maybe other people will also be willing to share when they see yours.
Here is my gallery there are a few sword hilts and blade.
Actually here's a sketch I have uploaded already, unfortunately the crossguard doesn't lead itself to game art very well:
Great game-res sword pics too.
Heres 2 of my WIPs. Hopefully it will inspire people to put up theirs.
Crits welcome.