hiya all.i've been ask to make an hard surface model from an existing concept so i decided to make a car, toyota 2000 gt 1967 approximately
maybe with costum color
anyhow this the car reference, one of the many i've found so far.

and this is my progress:

as allways any critique and suggestion is apriciated.
details ?
keep it up
btw i did this mainly to see if at any point i start to slack with the detail. i hope not but i'll see
Starting with a visual target for detail is a good idea, but definitely get a start on those larger shapes before you get carried away. Your highpoly work looks nice so far, I'm excited to see where this goes. Do you have a budget for polycount and texture space?
For the high poly version i've no poly limitation,for the low poly i've to make 3 lod it will be a stress test for a private engine so polycount of the test model will be higher than the final one. range 3-5k,10-15k,50-200k i think
i'll try to use ptext for the highpoly one and see if they bake properly on the low poly with uv