Hey all! This will be my first post here and I really hope someone can help me out.
I've been following various tutorials about getting your UV's and lightmap UV's from 3ds to UDK and I can't understand what im doing wrong.
Here is my UV Channel 1 in 3ds:
And here is the Channel 2 lightmap UV:
Nothing is inverted or overlapping and everything is
within 0-1 UV space.
However, after exporting it in .ASE and importing it in UDK
Here is UV Channel 0 (1 in 3ds) :
And here is UV Channel 1 (2 in 3ds) :
As you can see, beyond messed up.
If I try to bake light anyways, I get the "Wrapping UVs" error and mesh turns black.
Im going crazy here. Can someone please help me out?
Seems like it's working now after I Reset Xform.
Had no idea that resetting xform was that crucial!
Haha, I usually do a better work with uv's, this was more of a test. but thanks
Edit: Don't known about UDK but in Unity if you have non-uniform scale for example causes mesh to not batch and additional VBOs submits...
1. Be sure that u have ungrouped meshes before export
2. in fbx: uncheck import as one mesh