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Composing RTT elements?

polycounter lvl 6
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amisima polycounter lvl 6
I'm trying to compose "render to texture" elements back to a Complete Map. I want to achieve identical blending in Photoshop.
I created a test scene: sphere , plane , free photometric light, draft FG settings and all materials are A&D, no specular. I'm test baking only the "sphere". Here are the output images:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62119361/RTT/complete.png - Complete Map produced by RTT
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62119361/RTT/diffuse.png - sphere color
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62119361/RTT/direct.png - light map - only "direct"
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62119361/RTT/indirect.png - light map - only "indirect" ( red from the plane)
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62119361/RTT/lighting%20mix.png - light map - mixed by RTT
There are no shadows cast on the sphere, so no need for shadows element.
My research and countless tests shows that if I use Standard material instead of A&D I can blend diffuse and light map exactly like in the Complete Map with "Multiply". This is not the case with A&D materials.
Does anyone know how exactly elements are composed/blended under the hood ?
Thank you for you time.

p.s I'm using 3ds Max
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