Hi there!
Im trying to detect whether or not an object is convex.
The idea was to dot each face normal against every other face normal to ensure theyre pointing away.
This is where I got with the script, bashing my head against the wall for quite a while now so I figured Id put the question out here.
If anyone already has an existing script that checks instead of using this and is willing to share, then that would be great too.
fn checkConvex obj =
onumFaces = polyop.getNumFaces obj
for f=1 to onumFaces do
normal_faceBase = (polyop.getFaceNormal obj f) --* obj.transform
nv1 = normalize normal_faceBase
--print("normal_faceBase: " + normal_faceBase as string)
for g=1 to onumFaces do
-- avoid self
if (f != g) then
normal_faceCompare = (polyop.getFaceNormal obj g) --* obj.transform
nv2 = normalize normal_faceCompare
--print("normal_faceCompare: " + normal_faceCompare as string)
normalDot = dot nv1 nv2
if (normalDot > 0) then
print("normalDot: " + f as string + "->" + g as string + " = " + normalDot as string)
checkConvex $
Any and all help is really appreciated.
To get the angle between two faces calculate the dot product of the normals and then arc-cosine the value to get the angle.
Since the angle between two vectors(normals) cannot be more that 180. Calculate the cross of the normals and check if any value is less that 0. If it is less then add 180 to the result above to get the actual angle.
I hope that's understandable in some way.
It's just the values that max specifically seems to be feeding me are bogus. So if anyone can shed light on why that might be, the rest should be easy.
Here is more info.
Anyway, it would appear that the result of a dotproduct is always positive.
Thus making it useless.
Not exactly sure what to do about that.
Quick simple test. Obviously concave. Reports as true for:
It seems to be a caching issue. Whatever was first returned per object the answer will remain until the max file is reloaded. (I tried gc, but it didn't work.)
This is a terrible workaround, but it seems to work for me.
I just tried having it clone and collapse the object and running the operation on that instead, but it doesn't seem to want to update properly for physx to query (or even at all?!)
So I'm still back to needing dotproduct to actually work properly like in real code.
Got any more ideas?
Sigh... why must max be like this.
In Max 2011:
-- set the selection level to vertex
subObjectLevel = 1
-- selects the concave vertex
PolyToolsSelect.ConvexConcave 0.0001 1
Any version of Max(Tested in 2010 and 2011):
reactor.GetIsConvex $ 0 --True if convex else false
I'm using Max 2012. Reactor is removed from it, so the 2nd option doesn't work.
With using that first method... imagine the image I had previously, with that sunken vertex actually flush level with the top face, so it's convex. It ends up selecting this vertex, so that isn't correct
Here's a quick function I made out of it in-case anyone is interested:
Hey Steffen, could you show me an example of what you mean?
I guess you mean the "triangulation" that happens in each poly. You want to keep it concave, right?
Often enough artists, especially beginners forget about this or don't care enough. What can happen is, jaggy silhouettes and all kinds of bad shading errors just because of the invisible triangulation.
The bad shading can befixed with normalmaps, but the silhouette can't be fixed that way.
Okay in a forseeable future this can be fixed with displacementmaps, but for now it would be great to have an easy solution, unexperienced artists or lazy people like me could use to fix those issues. In the end its maybe just 10 Minutes worth of work per asset, but it sums up. And unless its a gigantic amount of money, i'd pay for this as well
I'm not sure having a concave "triangulation" would always be the "proper" way of doing it, right? Nowadays I'm focusing on tools mostly so I'm a bit rusty with modelling...
In Spec Ops for example, back when we were using the terrain actors instead of staticmeshes to create the dunes we had to "turn" some edges, making them convex in order to keep the silhouette of the dune. Other times the turning would need to be concave.
What I'm saying is that the idea sounds exciting at first, but the more I think about it the less sure I am it's a "global" fix.
I mean i do characters most of the times and (i guess) pretty much 90% of the times i want the inner triangulation to be convex not concave. but maybe i'm wrong, but from my experience i spend way too much time flipping edges for better results
Hah! Good point! I will add this to my long to-do list, sounds like fun!