Current Progress:

First Post:
Really want to try an cram this set in before the deadline, haven't seen much for Necro so hopefully I can do him some justice. Here is the concepts I have so far. The weapon for Infested and helm of plagued are kinda place holders, would need to modify them a bit if I were to go that direction. I tried to base these off the short lore description of him.

Overall, all your concept are nice!
Will have the weapon done by tomorrow, hope I can finish this set in time.
@Sirot: Yeah I ended up getting rid of them right away. Didn't realize how far his beard stuck out.
Another shot as the head piece is hard to see in the last.
A notable problem with the original helmet is that it was a too tall in 3D, even though it seemed fine in the drawings. I guess it just didn't translate well.
Finished up the sculpting finally. Decided to get rid of most the chains as I felt it made things to chaotic. Also changed the back area a bit, decided to go with two plagued arms holding the lantern. Hopefully this will all transfer well to the low poly and animation.
Edit: He has a high polycount for shoulders, but I'm not sure at this point if I will be able to fit the lantern in. So that may get cut.
The end (the tail or whatever) of the weapon is underwhelming to me. His Death Pulse animation is slamming his Scythe on the ground and I think a curved tail might be impractical for him to do so (unless VALVe changes the animation like they did with Windrunner's weapons, considering if this set will make it into the game).
I think the curved end on the scythe should be fine for the Death Pulse animation, but I agree on the scythe looks a little off on its "tail".
While the lantern is very charming, I'd rather have it go then having the shoulders suffer for it.
EDIT: Make the hood match the colour of his robes for consistency. It'll make for easier mix-and-matching with other sets for the sake of variety!
@: Sirot, I will do that. Safer to just stick closer to his default color pallete.
One last idea I had was making the hanging cloth parts full of trapped souls to go along with the theme better. The 3 pieces will be using the same UVs, so I think it may work from a texture standpoint. Also I will probably remove the teeth from the shoulder skulls as I think they are unnecessary.
Wish I had another week to refine this concept, always want to keep reworking and trying new ideas. Going to have to cram pretty hard to get this finished in time :poly122:.
Edit: As far as the staff animation goes, I will leave that for them to deal with
Goodluck mate!
EDIT: Hopefully you get this set done before the deadline! I joined the forums just to comment on it ^_^
I agree sleep is for the weak, just kidding.
Looks nice can't wait to see more.:thumbup:
I literally just finished this an published it with screen shots in order to meet the deadline, I can't believe how hard I had to cram in order to get this set done. Wish I had more time, as I did the textures in a few hours....need sleep.
Anyway this is the view port shots I have, I've stared at it for to many hours on end now to know how it turned out. I'll get some beauty shots up soon.
Edit: I would of posted my progress sooner but I had no free time to and finished this 15 minutes before the deadline >.<
/cough cough, 1 more week extension valve
view port composite
Edit: Dang...the handle straps don't stand out enough >.<
Would it be possible to get some in-game shots of the set? : D
/super demanding
Steam Workshop
Edit: Updated the name to be more fitting