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Jacque French -- stylish cyclist

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ysalex interpolator
working on a new portfolio character based on an image I found (on reddit I believe).

Spent a couple hours working on an older man anatomy model. Tried to keep the general aspects of mr. French (more upper body, barrel chest, skinny legs.)

He looks a bit buff because I left the muscles defined instead of polishing them down yet. I'm asking for anatomy advice. I have images on google, but I couldn't go get my anatomy books (I have an infant kicking around on my lap as I work).

I will finish the body, add a head (currently just a roughed-in-sphere to judge proportions) and then do a basemesh from that (my first real chance to try out qremesher)the ill get to work.




  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Yay! I like this, it will be a cool addition to your already awesome portfolio x] I hope you do the bike and bag too!
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks Jessica.

    Update on the base sculpt. Slowly working my way to a finished body type. Then will work up the head.

  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Imgur's not working, not sure how the tinypic quality will be. Worked up body and head, and started on hair.

  • Bonkahe
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    Bonkahe polycounter lvl 12
    Looking good man, does seem like his arms a we bit long, I would do a paint over but im about to go somewhere, if no ones made one by the time I get back I'll make one, ps: Amazing anatomy man, absolutely stunning.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Hi Bonkahe --

    Here's a proportions workup I did real quick.

    I feel like you're right about the arms, but my measurements come up with the arms a bit short.

    Obviously these proportion workups only address overarching sizes, so it's entirely possible that his arms really are off, especially since I feel like I'm noticing the same thing you are. Maybe his biceps are too short, making the forearms seem monstrous or something, or his shoulders are too narrow.

    Unfortunately I did most of my sculpting on him with an infant squirming in my non-drawing hand, so I didn't get to check reference in anatomy books like I normally would. I'll have to pull them out.

    Anyways, that's a long way of saying thanks for the crit and stopping by. I'll take you up on the paintover if you ever get the time, but no pressure.

  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Jacque wears his pants a little tight. Just trying to get the feel of the material and how Jacque would wear them. Thats why the creases are back only and symmetrical.

  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    i see a resemblance between all your head head models.

    if you are using the same base sculpt then you are not altering the proportions enough to make them unique. the distance between chin to lips to top of nose to eye are pretty much same on all your head models more or less. also all the heads look elongated vertically in the same manner which adds to the similarity.


    try to play with the proportions more and try to change the shape of the head more often. not all heads are long rectangular.

    beyond that i also see a similarity in the way you sculpt eyes (excluding the asian face).
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks MM- I am aware of this and I've been trying to throw it for a while now. I appreciate the side by side. I've been trying not to use the same base-mesh, and sometimes just zbrush spheres, so I think it's more just my personal way of "mis-interpreting" or "mis-seeing" heads an face structure, and it's a habit I'd really like to get rid of.

    Appreciate the time and effort, seeing them side to side drive home some of the structural things that in doing, so thanks again.
  • Popolo
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    Popolo polycounter lvl 5
    Whatever happened to this divine gentleman? Continue working on him so I have something to cheer for!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    nice progress, though keep in mind, he is an old man, they don't tend to get taller, hero proportions of 8 heads are far too high, he is probably about 6-7ish, with his slightly hunched back, and slightly angled knee, but stretched foot he is barely touching the 7. so i'd aim for something around 6.5ish.

    about the head, i think the whole facearea is just too small in the skull, which makes him look extra tall right now
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