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You need to buy a Boogie Board. Right now.

polycounter lvl 8
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Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
Well, only if you like it I guess.

It's a 40 dollar pressure sensitive drawing tablet.

40 bucks
Absolutely no lag (it's instant, like pen on paper, unlike the Cintiq, Note 2, etc)
No batteries, no recharging, no cables
3mm thick (thinner than an iPhone)
Like a cross between a chalkboard and Etch a Sketch

Can't save out pictures
Only white ink on black background
No backlight
No eraser (entire image erases at once at the press of a button.)
Product lasts 50,000 erases
No mini size :(

Here's a video of it in action (skip ahead to see him write on it)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJvNEzCaNwg"]Gizmo - Boogie Board 10.5" LCD Review - YouTube[/ame]

We just got these in at work and put one on display. The thing is amazing for $39.99. Great gift idea!
Think of all the possibilities...I'd love to have one on my computer desk rather than post it notes. It would be awesome on the bus too!

I'm hoping they come out with a model that has an SDcard slot. That would just be amazing.

Sorry for the dedicated thread, I thought this thing deserved it

(I'll be picking up 3 or 4 of these bad boys as gifts ;) )


  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    Looks functionally near-identical to a magic slate. If it could save or export the images, maybe import images to draw on or had a replaceable battery, I could see the point in using a LCD. Maybe it's something that's only apparent when you use it but I can't see how this is different from a magic slate except it has a massive LCD.
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    honestly this is the most useless invention i have ever seen.

    i don´t see anything this has over a good old pen and paper.
    this is just a waste of rare earth minerals.

    and why the hell does the lock button only lock the eraser and not the screen, this makes it kinda redundant.

    really look at the positive points of paper:
    40 cents
    Absolutely no lag (it's instant, its pen on paper)
    No batteries, no recharging, no cables
    0.1 mm thick (probably the thinnest thing you are able to see)
    Like a cross between a chalkboard and Etch a Sketch
    eraser works!
    up to 200 uses per go, comes in all sizes, refillable
    hard covers ensure stability
    comes in all colors and can be used with all colors

    for every 100000000 papers a tree dies (they grow back)
    Can't save out pictures
    No backlight
    has to be refilled after 200 uses
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    i have to agree
    to be usefull it needs to have an erase & save funktion (+usb for exporting)

    i simply cannot see ANY advantage to a piece of paper
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    No batteries, no recharging, no cables
    Video says it uses two AAAA batteries.

    With the heat the way it is at the moment, though, I might have to invest in a boogie board and head down to the beach soon.
  • WarrenM
    Neat! I could see some uses for this, thanks!
  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    Could you guys explain the appeal? I did a bit more reading on how it works. It basically IS a magic slate; the LCD cells flip state when you push them, (they're bistable so they remain in that state) and the erase key runs a brief current through the LCD, flipping them back.

    In this regard, I'm not even sure how they could implement saving, depends on the tech involved in that custom LCD.

    A lot of valuable resources spent on building a posh magic slate IMO.
  • Sandro
    What about pencil and paper?

    - infinite levels of pressure sensitivity
    - 0.5 mm thick
    - absolutely no lag
    - no batteries
    - dozens of ways of making marks and shading
    - can be erased, saved or scanned
    - 40 bucks can buy lots of them
  • WarrenM
    If you're worried about wasting the world's precious resources, there are lots of other things far more worthy of scorn. For example, those stupid cat ears that move around when you think about stuff. Or USB powered nerf launchers. Or .... hell, the list goes on and on.

    It's a toy. A gadget. It looks neat...
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Needs save, an eraser end of the stylus, and a total lock feature to keep you from drawing anything. Then it will be more than just a toy, right now it's an impulse buy more than anything else.
  • AlexLeighton
    Looks to me like an answer to a problem that doesn't really exist.

    If it could somehow upload everything you write instantly to cloud storage then I might be more interested, as I did once drop a notebook into a lake.
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    ^ Did it float? Or was it by accident? :D

    So we are playing boogieboard scissors paper? Well I have paper...

    so similar
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--z3hNPX-lM&feature=related"]?????????? (Magnet Drawing Board) - YouTube[/ame]
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    This is only useful for kids in school maybe not even for them if they cant save their documents.
  • TNO
    the version for 40 bucks is just the old gen

    the current version of those boards has the ability to save files but it costs more ;)
    and is called
    Boogie Board RIP

  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    So... it's an electronic next-gen Etch-A-Sketch?
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I ordered an 8.5" one for my niece. Her birthday is in a few weeks and this is perfect for her. She is always asking me for paper to draw, so this would be great for her to stop wasting my printer paper for little doodles.
    Thanks :).

    I can also see this perfect for quick notes on a fridge or some where in the house that sees lots of traffic.

    With paper, pencil you always have to keep track of the pencil and paper. You run out, you can misplace it etc. With this you lose the stylus you can use anything else, like your finger.

    It would be cool if it could save, but really depending on how you use it, its not needed.
  • Disco Stu
  • WarrenM

    Yep, I grabbed a few. Kitchen message board will definitely be a use for one of them. Another I'll probably keep at my desk for quick think sessions. I think it'll be great...
  • GrevSev
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    GrevSev polycounter lvl 9
    VPrime wrote: »
    I ordered an 8.5" one for my niece. Her birthday is in a few weeks and this is perfect for her. She is always asking me for paper to draw, so this would be great for her to stop wasting my printer paper for little doodles.
    Thanks :).

    Why not get her a Cintiq to release her inner artist? nothing says creativity like expensive equipment
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    VPrime wrote: »
    I ordered an 8.5" one for my niece. Her birthday is in a few weeks and this is perfect for her. She is always asking me for paper to draw, so this would be great for her to stop wasting my printer paper for little doodles.
    Thanks :).

    I can also see this perfect for quick notes on a fridge or some where in the house that sees lots of traffic.

    With paper, pencil you always have to keep track of the pencil and paper. You run out, you can misplace it etc. With this you lose the stylus you can use anything else, like your finger.

    It would be cool if it could save, but really depending on how you use it, its not needed.

    You cannot be serious.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I believe I need one of those memetic images with the words slathered across that asserts that everyone in this thread is insane and that I am mocking them for such.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    40 bucks gets you roughly 2500 sheets of paper, a mechanical pencil, 50 eraser refills and 100 pencil refills.

    I suppose it could eventually be cheaper to use this boogieboard, very very maybe, but you sacrifice a lot of control and convenience for it.

    You wouldn't take this to the store as easily. You need to have the right pen around to write on it. You can't divvy it up among people. You can't erase just one part of the list. You need to have working batteries. You need to and-so-forth. You need to etc.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    It's nice to see that some of you like it! For the others, well I totally see where you are coming from. I just think it would be a neat gift for "he who has everything"

    @TNO thanks for the link! I'm going to bug my manager to see if we can get some of those in; so far they have been pretty popular.

    @Sandu, yes I've seen those before. I prefer the higher definition screen of the boogie board though. It's like comparing 240 to 1080.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    You cannot be serious.

    100% serious..

    Going out to buy paper when its done.. pencils and pens.. ack.

  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    100% serious..

    Going out to buy paper when its done.. pencils and pens.. ack.

    GrevSev wrote: »
    Why not get her a Cintiq to release her inner artist? nothing says creativity like expensive equipment
    I would love to.. But my bank account protests such spending.

    edit: oops sorry for the double post. I don't know what happened.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Snader wrote: »
    40 bucks gets you roughly 2500 sheets of paper, a mechanical pencil, 50 eraser refills and 100 pencil refills.

    I suppose it could eventually be cheaper to use this boogieboard, very very maybe, but you sacrifice a lot of control and convenience for it.

    And very importantly, at least for me, you can't take this, crumple it into a ball and throw it at the ground in disgust when you draw something unforgivably shitty. (Also you can't fold it up and stuff it in your pocket as a reminder later.)
  • WarrenM
    I never would have imagined a simple writing tablet would evoke such emotion in people. :)
  • WarrenM
    OK, so these arrived and they're neat!

    I'm going to get some stick on magnets and attach one to our fridge because it'll be perfect for leaving notes and such. I'll take another to work for quick sketches and working out problems.

    The stylus is cheap but workable. It IS pressure sensitive but not really in any meaningful way - you won't be creating art on this unless you're really determined.

    Also, it doesn't react with just your finger but it WILL react to your fingernail. So I'm guessing it needs some sort of hard contact before it registers. I mean, I CAN get the flat of my fingertip to make a smear but you really have to press down hard.

    Anyway, looks just nerdy enough to fit into my life...
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    You're going to attach a magnet strong enough to hold the weight of a tablet pc vertically on to a tablet pc? That may not be wise.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    OK, so these arrived and they're neat!

    I'm going to get some stick on magnets and attach one to our fridge because it'll be perfect for leaving notes and such. I'll take another to work for quick sketches and working out problems.

    The stylus is cheap but workable. It IS pressure sensitive but not really in any meaningful way - you won't be creating art on this unless you're really determined.

    Also, it doesn't react with just your finger but it WILL react to your fingernail. So I'm guessing it needs some sort of hard contact before it registers. I mean, I CAN get the flat of my fingertip to make a smear but you really have to press down hard.

    Anyway, looks just nerdy enough to fit into my life...

    So it's an expensive post-it note? "Neat"...
  • WarrenM
    It was $40 on sale. Meh. I've derived less entertainment from many $60 games...
  • JonathanLambert
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    JonathanLambert polycounter lvl 6
    If you leave that thing unattended in the office for more than 30 sec, there will be dicks drawn all over it.
  • WarrenM
    That's why it has an erase button! :P
  • slipsius
    we have a couple of these at work. they are actually really cool, and a good idea. Bring them to meetings to take notes with, or draw on to get your ideas out. I use a notepad for that, but i find i waste so much of it because i write a few lines one a page, then never use that page again, and never look at it again after im done with the changes in like an hour.
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