Hi everyone!
I've recently been hard at work upgrading my portfolio (since I was, sadly, let go from larian studios a few weeks ago), and I wanted to show you all what I ended up with

I would also appreciate any feedback I can get, of course.
and here's a preview of what you will find there:

The generator could use work or should be removed entirely, it seems like a random prop with no really things that show of technical skill, the texturing on it looks very poor to be brutally honest.
In a lot of your work a notice a lot of intstancing of textures, while this can speed production time and aid in using less textures, I think you could still change it up. For example the whit plates on the side of your ship, the UV is folded in the x and y. It does save a lot of space, but the repetition is irritating, not in this specific example, but in your other scenes, with things like the pillars.
The subway scene looks decent, the atmosphere is getting there but it still feels less used and beat, for example, the floor seems somewhat clean imo, but thee is water leaks and things on fire, there are no cracks, missing tiles, There is very obvious tiling on the pipes on the ceiling, you're using cryengine, you could afford a few thousand more tris, don't be afraid to use displacement maps either.
The papers on the ground all look the same and don't really help tell the story of what's going on in the scene.
The flowmap stuff is great, in fact I will probably try it out.
Sorry if some of that didn't make sense, it's 5:30 right now.