Hi everyone!
This is my first post on this website and I am hoping to get some help with an issue.
I am quite new to Mudbox and I am working on a sculpture for a uni assessment. This is my second project using Mudbox and this is the first time the issue has come up.
Getting to the issue quickly, I have been working seamlessly sculpting and working on my mesh to a stage I am happy with. But for some reason Mudbox will randomly "spaz" out and tear my mesh apart. I thought this was a graphical issue but it has been working fine for the past few days and now I cannot go 5 minutes without this happening.
I have tried: Re-opening Mudbox, restarting the PC, re-installing and checking for new drivers. I simply cannot get down to the issue and it is really affecting my work time =\
Any help and ideas would be greatly appreciated!
I have attached a couple of images as well to see if anyone else has experienced this or maybe an idea of what is going on.
Additionally every time I go up or down a subdivision it gets worse and worse to the point where the mesh completely disappears.
I have been working on the mesh for around 15 hours over the week without any issues.