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UDK - Nature Empowered Hospital ---Loads of images---PORTFOLIO

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djoexe polycounter lvl 7
Hi there, I decided to make a new thread about my done and redone, and redone scene in UDK lastly called Condemned Hospital. This old thread is quite dead now so maybe making this new one will make it more valuable.

I will NOT post every single screen captures i've done since the begining because there are too much and the scene changed too often, but here are a couple.

SO here is my last environnement made in UDK from all my knowledge and love for environnement making.

Any critics is welcome and I NEED those to progress, so feel free to comment.

Here are couple of Screenshots...ENJOY + A video Montage

My portfolio : http://djovallieres.wix.com/portefolio

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U72lnlEA7s"]UDK - The Forgotten Town - Reuploaded - YouTube[/ame]


Have a nice one :D


  • JGreentheRookie
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    JGreentheRookie polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome looks great
  • Sharvo
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    Sharvo keyframe
    Yeah looks really good a few things that stand out for me is the floor, its very reflective compared to the damage and dirt that surrounds it, maybe a bit of vertex blending on the floor as well as the walls. It is fairly yellow and i feel that the colours all get washed in a bit, might be nice to have another colour in there, even some little flowers on the ivy like purples may help.

    Other than that it looks solid.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    loll definitely love the idea of the flower on vines...looking into it in a coming update soon, as well as vertex painting.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    up....needs some feedback from more people please.
  • Kroma!
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    Kroma! polycounter lvl 9
    Looks nice man, liking the level of destruction and the randomness it seems to occur with. One thing I feel is that especially in the later images, the colour palette seems to be quite limited. Yellows, browns and greens only. Maybe add some hue variations in there to break up the scene?
  • m1neh
    You seem to have some relatively serious lightmap issues on the walls, but otherwise it looks absolutely lovely.

    How are you lighting this? The vine shadows look so crisp!
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    I just crank up the lightmap resolution for specific mesh to get a better result, and tweaked the cascaded shadows to get the most of it.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    The lighting is too yellow imo.
  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    The lighting is too yellow imo.

    Put some color variation into it. The yellow and green doesn't work very well for me.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Update !
    Filling up some pieces of background.
    SOme beauty shot over here...

  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Looking good so far, I agree with others the lighting is way too yellow, also the bloom is too strong, don't get too carried away with bloom ;)
  • cmc444
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    cmc444 polycounter lvl 11
    Following this. Looks extremely promising!
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Two things jumped out at me immediately that may need fixing. The hallway with the broken wall has some UV tweaking that needs to be done. It looks like you maybe moved some verts and didn't move the UVs to compensate. The bottom row of tiles has a bend to it that shouldn't be there. I noticed it in two separate pictures. I also feel like on a broken wall like that some tiles would be completely punched out or would have separated from the wall as opposed to the clean breaks you have now.

    The other is you have rows of chairs standing under a broken ceiling but they look almost pristine. You should put some standing water on them from rainfall or mold or something. Also, the tile underneath them is all out of place. It's fine for the most part but wouldn't the tiles underneath the chair legs still be standing in the same place? Wouldn't the weight of the chairs stop them from moving?
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for these feddbacks, really appreciated and I will tweak those things as well. But as some people has mentioned the color was too yellowish, I really wouldnt know what to change on the color scheme...more redish, brownish, blueish...i dont know. Give me some ideas and ill see what I can do. Thanks again and more to come.
  • Mark Dygert
    On the first impression, it looks great, you have some fantastic work going on! I can easily see this being a really strong portfolio piece.

    Below the surface there are a few things that need to be thought about. Even if you don't make changes to this scene, take some of this stuff into consideration with your next project. This seems like a long list of stuff, but its mostly minor things. Those minor things start to add up a bit and they are chipping away at your scene.

    1) My #1 crit would be that you have a clean environment that was carved and broken up fairly cleanly, sometimes against some building materials, like the tiles in this shot. When you do damage keep mind the building materials, and let them help guide you where your cuts will be.

    2) The materials still look really new, especially the spec maps on the floor and walls. You might be taking another pass at the materials later but one of the first things to break down is often the spectacularity of a surface.
    Paint peels, the walls and ceilings start to crumble and decay, water pools on the floor and dries leaving stains ect... all of that ends up on the floor, things are much more dusty and cluttered as all that crap falls on the floor.

    2a) Birds crap all over everything and they will roost in buildings, especially abandoned buildings with large openings...

    3) In the latest shots, there are decorative tiles that are cut pretty cleanly, normally they would pop off or shatter, the same can be said about the floor tiles.

    4) Wood inside of concrete? Steal is used to reinforce concrete. Not even the poorest countries do that and most modern government outlaw it. Concrete wicks moisture and because of this wood rots when left in contact with concrete. Maybe you're thinking of the old school style houses before sheet rock was used? That was used in interior walls and never outside walls and the construction technique was very different.

    5) There are some pretty big holes in the walls, normally that doesn't start happening until things on the inside are really really rotten and covered in dust and mold. Typically the roof fails first letting water and light in. The holes look big enough to have been created by some external force from outside like mortars, tanks, bombs, drunk drivers? Regardless of what created the hole, where you have a large failing wall, you normally have a pile of crap.

    6) There is a lot of disturbed floor tiles as if the plants have busted through the floor? While that does happen from time to time, under specific conditions, I don't think your scene is meeting those conditions. The tiles wouldn't be placed on dirt normally a concrete slab (and if this is not on the ground level like some of the outside shots suggest) then there wouldn't be much dirt for the plants to grow in.

    7) in the shot with the door leaning on the chairs, that seems pretty unlikely. Not only is the tree root clipping into the door (it would push it out of the way as it grew), But roots that big give an indication of time passed, which isn't represented elsewhere in the scene.

    7a) The chairs are supporting the weight of the door and managed to absorb the force of it falling? This doesn't seem very likely, even if it was gently placed there, it would have started to bend and deform the chairs over time.

    1. Clean cuts going across materials instead of working with them.
    2. Materials are too clean, especially the spec maps.
    3. All life invades not just plant life, birds crap on everything.
    4. Weird building material choices.
    5. Big holes not a lot of debris, no real story behind the holes, a roof normally fails first.
    6. Plants growing where plants don't probably wouldn't.
    7. Door could be handled a little bit better.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Big critics here ! I agree with you Mark. I was planning to do vertex painting on every of my walls to get that used and peeled effect you said...on next update :D

    A big thank you guys its really appreciated, i'll keep working hard on this one for sure.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw48oD4IrmI"]UDK- The forgotten Town - YouTube[/ame]

    Here I am again with my piece finished after another month or less of work.

    Comments and critics !
  • fragfest2012
    HOLY SHIT THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely love the destruction and how you opened up the hallways in multiple places to see outside. 100% TOP NOTCH work, and excellent music choice to boot.
  • fragfest2012
    PS, your other piece on your channel is really strong too!
  • inwar
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    inwar polycounter lvl 11
    this is a awesome scene and can see alot of awesome work thats gone into the scene

    here are some points you could address.
    i guess u are going for the strong light thing but it feels abit too strong as others have said. trying turning bloom down

    ok i made some points when i watched the video
    0:26 floating machine
    0:32 no shadow under the chairs in the middle.
    thing under the door is too reflective
    z-fighting on a floor panel under the right most set of chairs that are facing away from camera

    1:17 floating draw
    1:24 totally clean light machine thing that looks like its from operating table, the rest is pretty banged up

    again awesome scene.
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    Looks nice but you need to stop using textures from cgtextures they are good for adding details,overlays etc. you should make your own textures with help of h-poly models
    ,they make stuff way easier then it seems.
  • RaPtoR_v9600
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    RaPtoR_v9600 polycounter lvl 4
    Great job bud i like it very much,
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    inwar : Thanks for those little details, i'm thinking to remake the montage and fix those issues. I'm not totally satisfied for the pacing of the music matching my video.

    Ivanzu: Those textures that i'm using are completely modified from the originals. I took them for starting off then I tweak them alot to achieve the result I want. Some of them are only color corrected and level adjusted such as concrete floor.

    90% of my props are made High Poly, then baked to low poly.

    Thanks alot guys, I'm thinking to redo my video with some fixes, then i'll take a little brake to search more inspiration for my next project that I will start probably next month.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7

    Here is a link to my portfolio website and i've redone the entire montage with some fixes here and there.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U72lnlEA7s"]UDK - The Forgotten Town - Reuploaded - YouTube[/ame]

    More critics are more than welcome !

    Thanks again, much appreciated :D

    PS : I'm from montreal and I usually speak fench, so my portfolio is in french.
  • Goten-trunk
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    Goten-trunk polycounter lvl 12
    nice work but scene looks too much overbright to me , rest of the things looks amazing,NICE JOB
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
  • nathanbarrett
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    nathanbarrett polycounter lvl 6
    WOW this is amazing
  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    Impressive stuff man, very nice work!
  • JamieRIOT
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    JamieRIOT polycounter lvl 6
    Wow, I love it. You get a great sense of sudden destruction and then nature taking back what is rightfully its own. Only slight things I can see is the bloom is pretty strong at some points and the cloth material blowing in the breeze is going through other meshes.
    Great work!
  • Mark Dygert
    Really good stuff, very impressive. I loved the lighting and the atmospheric effects. I loved the cloth blowing in the wind. I love the shots that look outside and hint at a much deeper problem than just a run down hospital being over taken by natural plant growth. I like how you started off the beginning with the headline. Good stuff, really good stuff.

    The only real crits I have now are mostly a handful of minor issues, mostly dealing with the cleanliness of some surfaces when left exposed to the outside. The filing cabinets and rugs are super clean in some areas where it doesn't make sense, there is a box that has a really glossy spec in the Operating Room, might be a filing cabinet? The elements would go to work on the glossy coating first? Dust and dirt would have settled on it at some point marring the perfect reflection.

    The metal cabinet at 1:10 appears to have some good weathering on it and is a surface that would stand the test of time much better than the box in the OR, it also looks more appropriate, maybe switch them?

    Leaves and the lack of previous generations of plant material? You have some mold in some places, mostly splashed on the walls but not much on the ground where the water would collect? Maybe that plays into the story someway?

    Anyway, minor crits aside, super impressive, awesome work! Do more!
  • Andrew Mackie
    Beautiful work. The shot with the building leaning against the other blew me away.
  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    hey man, did you use alphas for the vines int the forgotten town or are they 3d meshes?
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    nice work!!

    My 2 cents, is that you have really nice composition opportunities, but a lot of a clutter. Some of your texture start out looking awesome, till i take a second closer look. They are too specy, and not dirty. Now...that doesnt mean they have to look grungy. It means they need to look weathered and old.

    You got me inspired to do stuff on my time off again, hehe. Keep it up!!
  • tharle
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    tharle polycounter lvl 9
    truly amazing work - there's just a few small things that caught my attention:

    0:10 whats the lighter shape in the centre of the newspapers? could be lighting but seems to appear as if you're clipping backwards through a poly? the newspapers themselves seem very flat too - could maybe do with a normal map?

    0:25-0:36ish the broken floor tiles look very procedural - theres very few jagged edges and pretty much no really small pieces, they look cool but arent quite realistic imo.

    0:51 the tile in the centre of the floor seems to be clipping ever so slightly

    1:04 the leaves on the ivy seem to be growing along the branch, not out at 90 degrees to it which looks a little strange.

    1:15 looks like a pretty obvious uv seam in the damage on the left hand wall.

    1:31 - pretty major clipping in the cloth

    1:47 - more cloth clipping

    2:08 - really not sold on the dof on the background building - its very close to the one next to it and that doesnt seem to be affected at all.

    2:10 - more cloth clipping (same piece as earlier i think)

    i'm not completely sold on the find head bob run either personally - i see what you're going for and like the idea but maybe it just needs toning down slightly.

    obviously i'm being hypercritical here - it's already a fantastic piece.
  • Mark Dygert
    On a second look I paused the part in the beginning to see if you could read the articles and I could... Titanic huh? Ha! You might want to remove or change the name of certain companies that might not like having their name linked to post apocalyptic stuff? I suggest "Coconut Phelps" ha.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    RJBonner : I was using alphas for the leaves only, but vines themselves are real 3D Geo. I must admit that this is not the most optimized way of making vegetation but I didn't want flat vines, because if it was to be in a game, I would go with a FPS, so I could see those vines really close.

    Mark Dygert : Yeah loll, a BIG loll at this seriously, i googled newspapper and took what came out best for visibility purpose. I didn't want ugly white spot on the floor representing newspapper. But yeah Titanic isn't the best choice hehe

    For texture work, yeah i'm a bit off to be honest. I'm no pro here and I use quite simple material for just about every textures, because I'm not super familiar with the material editor. I'm making progress as far as I do more, but I could do better I assume that.

    For everybody else, a big thanks for those lovely comments, its really appreciated and very important to me. Things going so fast for me, I do not have a single year of experience in 3D stuff and a game compagny is offering me a job as a Level Artist. I'm kinda stressed and excited as well, but at the same time I think I need more practice before getting myself a job.

    Thanks again guys
  • Mark Dygert
    Honestly I learned more in the first 6mo on the job than I did in the 2 years leading up to it. If the deal is right I would probably take it. Good luck either way you go, I'm sure we'll see good things either way =)
  • tharle
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    tharle polycounter lvl 9
    yeah seconded - nothing beats real work experience, there's so much cross disciple stuff you'll learn working that you wouldnt pick up just teaching yourself at home.

    also there's nothing stopping you doing more personal stuff in your spare time.
  • joshmtyler
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    joshmtyler polycounter lvl 5
    Exceptional. The music really makes it. Too bad most won't listen to it.
  • Sir_Dillon
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    Sir_Dillon polycounter lvl 6
    Dude, I like that environment a lot!

    I have read comments and have read all these crits about the place being too clean and stuff. But man! I must say: Actually I would not recommend changing it too much.

    Point is, after I watched the video, I immediately wanted to walk through the whole thing myself. I got the impression that I could walk from the waiting area onwards through the building. The atmosphere changes from section to section. There are quite closed rooms, having that clinical look but shifted by the intruding vegetation. Some of them quite dark. Then there are spaces similar but suddenly opening up to your beautiful vistas. Finally you have this section with all those carpets and curtains, wooden floor... suddenly a lot more warm colors.
    Even if some places look too clean, I like how bright they are. Somehow lighthearted, although it is all destroyed. If this were in a game such like I Am Alive or similar, I would like to pass through this scene, giving me exactly that positive mood in midst of all the destruction and loneliness, instead of having it all grey and negative like the rest of the world. And as we reach the carpeted part with the waving curtains we can feel like reaching home.

    I think it would work just fine the way it is. All those detailed thoughts about how a building would rot properly.... imo unnecessary, because sometimes realism has to come second after gameplay or mood, things like that
  • eMotive11
    I'm really loving this, gives me an Enslaved vibe which is a very good thing. Keep up the good work!
  • GhostWalker
    I must say I'm very impressed with your work high quality stuff. I also notice you take the critics to heart which is great being able to handle criticism is crucial. I want to get more into UDK as well. Since you are, like you said, not a pro I wanted to ask you if you could recommend some sources you may have used to educate yourself. Thanks.
    And of course keep up the good work! I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your work.
  • GrimFiction
    This is a really nice piece of work. I like the rich texture on the sunlight which gives a sense of the old hospital sterilisation a long with the edition of the foliage as if nature is 'taking back' vibe, awesome work, keep it up!
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    GhostWalker : Thanks for those comments as well as everybody here, much appreciated :)
    Sadly, I do not have any specific stuff to ask you to watch ASAP but all I can say is each time you have a question in your head on how you should do this or that, there is an answer out there on the internet. I was working like that : I want to do this, so I make my way to accomplish what i'm looking for with the best of my knowledge and when i'm stuck on a certain aspect, I google it and i'm searching it t'ill I find it. I also asked questions in this forum...there is a ton of talented people on Polycount and I really want to thanks them. I was a subscriber of 3DMotive also, but there is not enough tutorial on environnements, thats sad :(

    Its really important to take critics but you must keep in mind that you have to respect your main idea and concept. If you change everything that people tell you to, you'll end up with some weird stuff mixing out ideas of everyone and not yours. So I take note on each critics and then i'm sorting them to keep those that will improve my project without compromising my main idea.
  • GhostWalker
    Excellent points. Thanks for the reply :). Im now getting more into environment work and it is hard to sometimes take it one step at the time, like you did you know. Often when you want to start something you see stepp 99 or problem 99 instead of step 1 first and then step 2. If you catch my drift ;)
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    GhostWalker : Yes defenitely seeing your point. I'm a bit like that too. Sometime I want to achieve a result too quickly and I'm ending up with errors here and there and I'm forced to redo my work in a more proper way without skipping stepps. I also have a problem about UDK...When I open this software, I just can't stop playing around, its so addictive, but at the same time, as long as I compose my scene, I want to add more and more stuff and sometime I tend to add some ordinary asset just to get the overall feel and I'm telling myself that I will change it later, but I tend to be lazy and let those basic asset in my scene without making changes to them...wich is faulty.
  • GhostWalker
    Hehe the curse of the digital artist I guess :P. By the way what modeling software did you use for this?
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
  • piko
    This looks great; I can't wait to start on my first UDK environment. Only thing that seems odd to me is the lack of natural, blue light from the sky. Since there are hard shadows and bright sun-spots on the floor I figured natural light would fill the open rooms with broken ceilings and walls, but the lighting seems green/yellow--I don't know if it's from the lights or color from texture--throughout the piece.
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