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[CE3 WIP] Winecellar

polycounter lvl 13
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Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
Hi there.

This is a WIP project of mine, a winecellar in CryEngine3. This is my first scene I've made in which all objects/texturing is by myself. I've previously just been doing level art based on pre-existing objects in CryEngine2.

I started it a few weeks ago as part of an assignment in school, and here's what I was able to do before handing in the scene a couple of days ago. However I want to continue the scene and add things to it, and possibly change a few things based on crits I'll hopefully get here. Here's a short list of things I want to add so far:

- More props.
- Add some grass patches.
- Some new textures and/or edit existing ones (wall, winerack, barrels etc).
- Change out the ceiling for something more complex. I've seen a good deal of cellars with arc styled ceilings. I might want to do something like that.

That'll be all. I appreciate any crits! Thanks! And thanks to Chris Wolak for the fire particle.







  • Shad0w_Walker
    Looks nice. But maybe to few barrels?
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Should there be that many variations in barrel size? I'd expect the majority to be the large barrels, the tiny ones to be uncommon, and the medium ones not to exist at all.

    Google imaging wine cellar barrels shows huge stacks of large barrels

  • Johan3043
    Look's incredible mate! Great work! :)
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for the feedback!

    @ Bek: Very good point! I didn't even think about that. I'm used to scaling and rotating props to add variation but it seems I took it too far this time. I'll see what I can do.

    I started blocking out the ceiling I was talking about. I'm probably going for an 8x8 or 4x4 ceiling (what I have in the pics below doesn't have an exact size so it might look a bit off, such as overlapping faces etc). Anyways, any thoughts on the design or simply ideas to improve it before I commit to this look?



    Also for those liking HP stuff here's the floor texture I made and the ingame result with no props on it. Deliberately went for a bit of a wet look but yeah I'll proabably change things around later in the material editor!

    In Maya:
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Evening folks.

    Some proof of concept screens here. I think it works alright, but I need to re-work some assets. The pillar is too tall so for these screens I lowered them into the ground a bit. But don't worry I'll redo the pillar to fit the new ceiling. Also haven't re-scaled the barrels yet, I'll get to that once all the modular pieces are done.

    I have to fix a couple of things but I'm more or less ready to take this into Mudbox. I also have a new floor texture in the works to get some variation in there.



  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    hey dude, looking at your HP tile sculpt; how did you make it tilable ? or is it just illusion/lightning that covers the seams ?
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Oh, I just translated the stones to the other side, I don't think there's any lighting to mess up the pic, what you see is what I have in Maya. You can PM me if you want more details, a fellow polycounter asked as well I and wrote him a longer answer.

    So yeah, any feedback on this? Would love to know what I can improve. (:

  • m1neh
    Think the wine racks lack enough slots to hold wine to be really functional in a cellar. More wine bottles on the same amount of racks would make it look a bit more cluttered, as the place seems a tad empty. Also think barrels on racks in the centre would look good, or maybe barrels pushed up against the wine racks themselves. Really like the atmosphere but think it would be possible to keep it whilst making the textures a bit more readable.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Hey all, it's been a while. Been working on this some more now. Got a new ceiling, sculpted a new wall texture with vertex blending, new pillars and added a few more props.

    Still lots of work left, I want to re-model the wine racks completely, get some more particles in there and add a few separate bricks lying around. Learnt a lot so far and there's no doubt I'll learn more.

    Feedback always appreciated!

    More stuff coming soon.

  • Ex4000
    nice work, My only crit is that the area is waaaaay to big to be a wine cellar
  • ftorek
    looks cool - but like a ex4000's post - it's either that space is too big or it's not filled enough with barrels
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    @ Ex4000: Thanks! Yeah maybe it's a little big... Hm I've seen some really large wine cellars though, and I'll be filling it up with some big wine racks later, so I'm hoping that should fill it up better and maybe make it appear a bit smaller.

    @ ftorek: Thanks man, and yeah good point! I'm going to make the barrels in one size as mentioned previously in the thread and I'm also planning to add some kind of barrel racks they can rest on.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Here's a few more shots starting with the low poly pillar, landing at 290 tris. I think I'll go back to its textures but for now it'll do. I can post the HP tonight if you want.



    Here's a few HP sculpts of my tilable textures I made.




    Feedback appreciated as always.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Some feedback please? Here is the HP pillar.

  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    *Sigh*... I promise getting crits on the forum is as hard as finding a job is gonna be.

    Anyways, here's another screenshot. Lowered the saturation a little bit, made some small blocks to cover the transition between floor stones and the tiles in the back. I also tessellated the floor stones so I could get some more volume. I'll be adding some more props soon, such as seed sacks, jars and maybe a table.

  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    I started a new prop, a seed sack or something. I haven't sculpted cloth before so it's just some experimenting, I probably should look up some refs before I continue. It's very late here so I'll do more tomorrow, but here is a quick workflow overview.

    I think it came out too strong so I'll probably make the folds pop less tomorrow. I'm also going to add some kind of knot at the top...

    Still though - C&C welcome.


  • BinaryJunkie
    Just a few things that I thought stood out to me. The ceiling and floor look fairly dirty and the walls and pillars look fairly clean, I might spend some time trying to make the wall look realistically dirtied up. Your seed bag looks good, to me it seems like there's no opening on the bag and that it was sewn at a tiny hole. I don't know much about bags of seed but you might want to add where the bag opens. I don't really notice the tessellation on the floor. You might want to spend a bit of time getting the pillars to match the rest of the environment because it just doesn't feel like it fits in to me. Overall it feels very nice and everything fits well. Reminds me of a mix of Amnesia and Oblivion.

    Yay good job!
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